Bad Ass Coffee, Naples Fl

Bad Ass Coffee, Naples Fl, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Down in Old Naples the Bad Ass Coffee Co serves up some decent Kona coffee. Of course in a town ruled by blue hairs there is the inevitable call to shut the place down due to it’s name.

Lighten up folks and get a sense of humor, would ya?

I love the fact that when you ask for an iced coffee they break out the ice cubes made out of coffee as to not dilute the product. That’s some cool ass shiznit!

2 thoughts on “Bad Ass Coffee, Naples Fl

  1. Relative to “blue hairs” wanting to close you down: Promotions will get them singing your praises. Pick a day to give them 1 free drink and be ready to hand them something that tells the story about the “bad ass ones”.


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