Passports is the Perfect Restaurant for Your Holiday Shopping Respite

When out and about checking off your holiday to-do list, stop in to Passports. The food is always prepared and cooked to perfection, with extra generous helpings, and the ambiance is warm, comfy, and inviting. 

Passports Restaurant India, Laila, Dawn ©Kim Smith 2014India, Laila, and Dawn

Today I met my friend Catherine there and we had a luxuriously long chatty lunch. Despite the hours spent catching up, Laila, our beautiful waitress, never once made us feel anything less than entirely welcome. Catherine had the sumptuous cobb salad, topped with chicken salad, and I had their wonderfully delicious Caesar salad, with perfectly grilled shrimp. Even Passports regular coffee is rich and full flavored!

Happy Dining and Shopping Main Street!

Passports Cobb Salad ©Kim Smith 2014Passports Cobb and Chicken Salad

Passports Caesar salad ©Kim Smith 2014Passports Caesar Salad