Happy Father’s Day to all our Good Morning Gloucester Dads. I hope you have a fantastic day with loved ones ❤

Like father, like son, like grandson – my three favorite Dads ❤

What a memorable Father’s Day dinner we had at Duckworths. It was Charlotte’s first time there and Colleen, Michelle, and Nicole provided her with lots of love and fun and games so we could all enjoy our fabulous dinner.



My father-in-law on his 90th birthday



My husband Tom and I returned from filming Monarchs in Mexico very late Monday night. The first day back was pasta making for Saint Joseph Day at the Groppos and spending time with our son Alex and granddaughter Charlotte. Yesterday and today I’ve been pouring through the footage to add to the film. I’ll write some posts about beautiful Mexico, the fantastic JM Butterfly B and B, and the magnificent Monarchs as soon as I have time to sort through the photos. It was an adventure of a lifetime!


I was most worried about torturing Tom and wasn’t entirely sure we would have uninterrupted internet access so he could work remotely, but he had the best time meeting new people, riding horses up the mountain, climbing Cerro Pelon, and practicing his Spanish!


Monarch flakes fill the sky 


Photo left to right – Scout: Carly Williams, Atticus Finch: Lewis D. Wheeler, Jem: Nathaniel Oaks & Dill: Gabriel Magee

To Kill a Mockingbird Triumphs at Gloucester Stage Company

By Tom Hauck

The Gloucester Stage Company is renowned for introducing important new plays to New England and often the world. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the company proves it has the same magic touch with a story that since its publication in 1960 has become an American classic. The stage version, written by Christopher Sergel, made its debut in 1990, and won the Pulitzer Prize.

The GSC production of To Kill a Mockingbird is nothing less than a magnificent shooting star streaking across the heavens and with only a month of performances, you must see this masterful interpretation before it vanishes into the night. Every aspect of the production, directed by Boston stage legend Judy Braha, is exceptional. Led by GSC veterans Amanda Collins as the grown-up Scout and Lewis D. Wheeler as Atticus Finch, with Aaron Dowdy as Tom Robinson and Cheryl D. Singleton as Calpurnia, Carly Williams (Scout), Nathaniel Oaks (Jem), and Gabriel Magee (Dill) as the children, the cast is pitch-perfect throughout. They’re supported by an evocative and flexible set designed by Jon Savage and sublime lighting by John Malinowski. The lighting, in particular, effectively sets the mood for each scene, whether it’s the ramshackle courthouse interior or the deep and mysterious woods on Halloween night.

This is a great story masterfully interpreted by an outstanding company. To Kill a Mockingbird  deeply touches our hearts and connect us with the humanity of each of the characters. The GSC production is outstanding on every level, and it is my guess that during the final scene when Boo Radley makes his appearance, you will be among the many people in the audience who feel tears gathering in their eyes.

To Kill a Mockingbird is onstage now through October 28. For schedules and ticket information, visit www.gloucesterstage.com or call 978-281-4433. A smash hit, get your tickets today!

All Photos Courtesy Gloucester Stage Company By Gary NG


Scout: Carly Williams & Jean Louise Finch: Amanda Collins



Debra Wise, Sarah Hickler, Paula Plum, Israel Horovitz, Obehi Janice

By Tom Hauck

In the New England Premiere of the satirical comedy written and directed by Israel Horovitz, the “babes” in question are four adult women who gather in the Paris apartment of a recently deceased centenarian with whom they all had something important in common: During different times in the long life of the unnamed Lothario, each was his wife or live-in girlfriend. Israel Horovitz, author of more than 70 plays and the artistic director emeritus of GSC, wrote that the play is the second of a trilogy designed to be “confrontations of French and American cultures: American attitude towards love and marriage versus French attitude towards love and marriage.”

The four brilliant actors – Paula Plum (Evvie), Debra Wise (Evelyn), Sarah Hickler (Janice), and Obehi Janice (Marie-Belle) – wring from the volatile premise every possible laugh. To the apartment each brings her own memories and perceptions of the dearly departed, a Sorbonne professor who more closely resembled a cult leader: a glib narcissist who enchanted, deceived, and infuriated his many lovers. In short, when “the babes” get together, there’s plenty to talk about!

The action takes place on a stunning set designed by Jenna McFarland Lord. Complete with floor-to-ceiling modernist paintings (which happen to be for sale – you, the audience member, can buy one!), the imaginatively lit space makes you feel as though you’re on the Left Bank with a canal outside and a patisserie just around the corner. Rugs from Landry & Arcari and sleek furniture from be modern complete the funky-but-chic ambience.

Over a period of twenty-four hours, the four women reveal many dark and hilarious secrets, both about themselves and their departed lover who still holds their hearts. Initial antagonism turns to sororal bonding, and with the help of mysterious spiritual messages from beyond the grave the unlikely quartet turn the corner and bravely face the future.

Out of the Mouths of Babes runs from August 11 through September 2. Performances are Wednesday through Saturday at 7:30 pm and Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 pm at Gloucester Stage Company, 267 East Main Street, Gloucester, MA. For tickets call 978-281-4433 or visit gloucesterstage.com.

Opening snapshots Out of the Mouths of Babes

Saw The Effect @GloucesterStage last night | stellar acting and writing


We like to support Gloucester Stage and Heidi Dallin, and try to see anything with Lindsay Crouse. There’s no question that Gloucester Stage productions are mostly terrific.

Tom Hauck’s GMG review compelled us to see the New England premiere of The Effect, Lucy Prebble’s 2012 dramatic play at Gloucester Stage. It’s a go see for sure! I think it’s the best play about thorny life and medical themes since Wit. We can delight in Prebble’s dynamite dialogue because the direction, acting, and set are pitch perfect.

Who knew? You can bring that glass of prosecco you didn’t finish back to your seat.

Buy seats on line for Gloucester Stage matinee today  and you’d have time to make it over to Windhover’s dance tonight! Tough summer living here in Gloucester 🙂


Merry Christmas (I Don’t Want to Fight Tonight)

Addendum – My husband Tom shares a photo that he took of Joey Ramone. His band The Atlantics were opening for the Ramones at The Club in Cambridge in May 1976. I think a bootleg album was made that night and you can see the Atlantics on the marquis in the first minute of the video.ramones-at-the-club-in-cambridge


Sharing my husband’s memory of the night his band opened for Prince

Last night talking about Prince with my husband, and knowing what a huge fan of his he was, I asked Tom what is his favorite Prince song. He said there were too many and then shared a heartfelt story about the night his band (The Atlantics) opened for Prince at the Metro. It was for The Dirty Mind album tour and the year was 1981, Saint Patrick’s Day. He and his band mates were over the moon with excitement, but also scared to death. Not because of Prince’s growing star power, but because of the intense racial divisions prevailing in Boston at that time, which often manifested at rock concerts, with musicians getting caught in the crosshairs.

All worries were for nothing. To everyone’s joyful surprise, the audience, a sea of black faces and white faces in equal numbers, were all there to have a fantastic time, which they did. Tom especially recalls a group of young black women in the first row, dressed more for church than a rock concert, smiling and dancing to the Atlantics songs, and if you can believe this, they placed their purses on top of the stage, near his feet. (Can people even bring purses to concerts any longer??) Prince’s messages of love and tolerance are a powerful inspiration. That Saint Patrick’s Day night at the Metro opening for Prince is one of Tom’s favorite band memories.

On Tom’s facebook page is a great photo from that night, taken by the Metro’s house photographer Steven Stone, maybe a little too sexy in case young kids are scrolling through GMG, but you can check it out here at Thomas Hauck.


Yesterday morning could have been a complete disaster, not just the partial disaster that it became. I was all set up, ready to film a scene in which I had waited for over an hour to unfold. With cold numb fingers, just as the action began, I clumsily shut off the record button. Next, a puff of wind knocked over my tripod and movie camera (fortunately not permanently damaged, but very disconcerting nonetheless). In the rule of bad things happen in threes, while unloading my gear, I accidentally locked myself out of our car.

Not the first time to have happened, my husband’s solution was to put a spare key under the car, in a magnetic box. I reached under the car and, through a winter’s worth of mud and crud, found the little box and was able to quickly get out of a jam. I’m so happy I married a Boy Scout! (in reality, he never was a scout, but you’d never know because he certainly adheres to the motto be prepared.) Thank you honey!





Record warm temperatures all along the East Coast allowed for luxuriously warm Christmas Day beach fun. Matt, Liv, and Tom took a hike to the the Lighthouse and back and here are some pics. If you spent Christmas Day at a Cape Ann beach, send us your photos and we would love to post! Email image to kimsmithdesigns@hotmail.com




My husband Tom’s latest Kevin Lone thriller, Roses for the Reaper, is available on Amazon!

Roses for the Reaper cover 9-7-15

When the world’s most powerful criminal organization plots to take over the global energy market, only agent Kevin Lone stands in their way. His international pursuit of the Skull Group and their deadly agents leads to a final showdown on a missile-laden submarine. Far beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean, the fate of Kevin Lone and his implacable foe Regis Bank will be decided while the clock ticks. This genre-bending thriller combines multiple narratives to create tension and excitement from the first page to the last.

Artrageous 29! With the Always Beautiful Kathy Archer, Matthew Swift, and Tom Hauck

Kathy Archer Tom Hauck Artrageous 29 ©Kim Smith

Gloucester Author and Artist Tom Hauck and Rocky Neck Artist Kathy Archer

Both Kathy and Tom (my husband) donated works of art to the Montserrat Artrageous! 29. Artrageous is an annual auction party that supports Montserrat College of Art students. Last year’s event raised $432,00.00 in financial aid for deserving students.

Tom Hauck Matthew Swift Trident Gallery ©Kim Smith 2015

Tom and Matthew Swift, Owner of Gloucester’s Trident Gallery


Artrageous installation and behind the scenes look ~

Typewriter project Montserrat College of Art ©Kim Smith 2015

The Typewriter Project

*    *    *

Milkweed Seedpod ©Kim Smith 2014Friend me on Facebook and follow me on TwitterInstagram, and Vine. You can also subscribe to my design website at Kim Smith Designs, and film’s websites at Beauty on the Wing ~ Life Story of the Monarch Butterfly, Gloucester’s Feast of Saint Joseph Community Film Project, and Life Story of the Black Swallowtail Butterfly.


Happy New Year’s Eve!

Wishing Everyone Peace and Joy in 2015!

Tom Hauck Kim Smith BermudaMy husband and I are also celebrating our anniversary. Here we are in Bermuda at the Coral Beach Club where we married and had our honeymoon.

Can you believe Tom still has that same leather jacket. It was lent to dozens of school and community plays–think West Side Story!

And that’s Tom’s selfie–he’s the original selfie-maker–or at least I had never seen anyone do that before. It’s not very easy with a film camera. He did it so effortlessly, but then again, he can also draw upside down!  Happy Anniversary bouquet from Liv and MattWe’re so very touched by the beautiful anniversary arrangement sent by our daughter Liv and her fiance, Matt O’Rourke.

GloucesterCast With Guest Kim Smith and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 09/07/14

gloucestercastsquare11 (1)

GloucesterCast With Guest Kim Smith and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 09/07/14

Topics Include: Kim Smith, Toby Pett Absent, Tripping Over Bobby Bobskill, The Loss Of Jackie Hardy, Crazy Lightning Storm,Yanic Triesdale,The Wedding Of Isabelle Lafleche, J’Adore New York , J’Adore Paris, Thunderstorm Damage, Pulling A Post, HarborWalk Garden Maintenance, To Deadhead or Not, Burnham’s Field Reopening, Holy Cow Reopening, Ward 2 Power Alley, Women and Men are not wired the same when it comes to coffee, Why it is impossible for a woman to order a regular coffee, Kim’s Cheap Coffee Move, Dunks vs McDonalds Coffee, Tom Hauck 60th Birthday Celebration, New Computer For Tom, Laptop vs Desktop, TBT Post Perfect Man Gift, Alpaca Sweater, Red Box Hell, Over The Air Antennae, Kim Doesn’t Watch Fox But Not Because It Is Seen As A Republican Channel, Kim Says She Is a Moderate LOL, Does Bruce Tarr Run Against Anyone?, Polarizing Politics, Ditching A Home Phone Line, Cable Company Bill Structure, The New X1 Infinity Cable Boxes Make The Old Cable Boxes Look Like 1980s Technology, Negotiating Your Cable Bill, You Need To Not Use Comcast or Verizon Email.


2014-09-07 10.05.23

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Thanks To The Earl Foote Band For The Intro Music. Download Gloucester Til the End Free Here At Gimme Sound

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Local Author Tom Hauck Reading from “The Body on the Rocks” at Toad Hall Bookstore

Author Tom Hauck ©kim Smith 2014Thanks so much to Joe and Meg for Tom’s reading at Toad Hall Bookstore!

Lisa Smith kindly writes that Cape Ann TV will be airing Tom’s reading during the week of July 28th. The following are the times and dates. Thanks so much Lisa and Steven!

Tues, July 29 at 9 pm
Thurs., July 31 at 9 am
Fri, Aug. 1 at 8 pm
Sat., Aug. 2 at 9 am and 9:30 pm
Sun., Aug 3 at 11 pm

Cape Ann TV ©Kim Smith 2014Cape Ann TV’s Steven Essery

Save the Date: Tom Hauck Reading at Toad Hall Bookstore for THE BODY ON THE ROCKS

Save the date for a reading by my husband Tom Hauck of his recently published thriller The Body on the Rocks at Toad Hall Bookstore, Rockport, on Wednesday, July 16th at 7pm.

I hope you can join us!

Body on the Rocks 300dpiExcerpt from The Body on the Rocks

The instant Chris Mark heard the scream he knew something was very wrong. At the edge of a narrow chasm a woman was backing away from something. Her dog strained at its leash. Mark took his hands from his pockets, broke into a run. The woman saw him and pointed. The dog pulled excitedly, trying to get close to whatever was down there. Mark approached the crevice and looked down. On the rocks ten feet below him a man lay on his back. He was clad in jeans and a sweatshirt. While the body was in bad shape – bloated and discolored – the waxy face still had its nose and ears, and the two bluish hands were at the ends of the arms. The limbs and small bits had not yet been devoured by predators. “I’m sorry that I screamed like that,” stuttered the woman. “I just looked down and there he was. What do you suppose happened?” Mark shrugged. “The ocean can take you any which way.” “The Body on the Rocks” presents twelve thrilling stories featuring detective Chris Mark. Set in the rugged port city of Gloucester, Massachusetts, each story offers human drama, passion, intrigue, and a glimpse into the complicated life of an Iraq War vet who only wants to help people solve their toughest problems. This fast-paced collection is perfect for a day at the beach or an evening by the fireplace, and will keep you turning the pages long past your bedtime.

The Body on the Rocks ~ A New Detective Thriller by Tom Hauck (My Husband)!

Body on the Rocks 300dpiThe Body on the Rocks is a page-turning collection of superbly written classic detective stories, set in Gloucester. Very, very proud of my husband!!! One of my favorite passages, found on page 227:

“There are many different ways human being scream.

At the amusement park you hear the shrill cries of rollercoaster riders who, with arms held high not in surrender to the enemy but as expressions of death-defying hubris, giddily anticipate the breakneck plunge down the first big hill. In movie theaters you hear the excited shrieks of patrons who have paid to be scared half to death by the maniac on the screen. There are the squeals of delight from children who tear open Christmas presents to find that Santa has brought that coveted toy. And there are angry howls of sports fans who somehow expect that the nearsighted referee who is far out in the middle of the playing field, surrounded by thousands of the screamers’ fellows, will somehow hear and be affected by each one’s individual complaint.

Of the many varieties of excited utterances made by people, the scream of genuine terror is singular and unmistakable. It penetrates to the core and demands a response.”

The Body on the Rocks is available at The Bookstore of Gloucester and The Book Shop of Beverly Farms, as well as Amazon.com (paperback and Kindle).

*    *    *

Tom also did the painting for the cover, painted at the rocks at Brace Cove in 2005.

From the press release ~ The Body on the Rocks presents twelve thrilling stories featuring detective Chris Mark. Set in the rugged port city of Gloucester, Massachusetts, each story offers human drama, passion, intrigue, and a glimpse into the complicated life of an Iraq War vet who only wants to help people solve their toughest problems. This fast-paced collection is perfect for a day at the beach or an evening by the fireplace, and will keep you turning the pages long past your bedtime.

Tom is a freelance ghostwriter and editor, and the editor of Renaissance Magazine, America’s leading national magazine devoted to contemporary renaissance faires and culture. Visit his website here.

Tom Hauck Head Shot Body on the Rocks ©Kim Smith 2014

Tom Hauck is a writer living in Gloucester, Massachusetts. His first novel, Pistonhead, tells the gritty story of a guitar player in a rock band who faces a life crisis. Lucas Manson, his second novel, is a literary horror thriller that pits agent Mark Dylan against a charismatic evangelist who is the leader of a bloodthirsty hominid species.

His third novel, Avita Doesn’t Love You (Whiskey Creek Press, October 2014),is an international thriller that traces the moral and physical challenges faced by agent Kevin Lone as he battles an implacable global enemy. Continue reading “The Body on the Rocks ~ A New Detective Thriller by Tom Hauck (My Husband)!”