The Morning After- next day storm waves

The Long Beach walkway was dry this morning: Storm Teddy did not surge up and over the seawall. Light debris was deposited on nearly spotless Long Beach. Beautiful rollers were distant as the tide was heading out.

photos 9/23/2020- click to enlarge to full size



Spotted less than ten shorebirds, three species. These tiny birds are migrating from the arctic and landing to rest and refuel. Give them space if you see them! The few I spotted were flushed off.

A smile path helps wildlife. Walk around (or pause if you have the time)


Shorebird visitors hanging out together today (sanderlings, semipalmated sandpipers and semipalmated plovs). Easy to add a smile path when you spot them.


Below L-R: Sanderlings, semipalmated sandpipers, and semipalmated plover visiting 2020


Scenes of waves from Storm Teddy yesterday 9/22/2020 here