Stars Wars Rogue One under the stars | next up HarborWalk Summer Cinema

What it’s like as the crowd fills in on Gloucester’s FREE Wednesday night movies — before the start of last week’s Moana, 8pm


in case you missed the Gloucester Daily Times “TALK OF THE TIMES”

Outdoor movie nights

Gloucester’s waterfront I-4, C-2 property — still used primarily as a downtown parking lot — returned to its added summer role as an outdoor movie venue this week, when hundreds of parents and children flocked to a free showing of Disney’s 2016 film “Moana” to open the fourth annual HarborWalk Summer Cinema series.

The free Wednesday night movies, a cooperative effort between the city and Rob Newton’s Cape Ann Cinema and Stage, begin at dusk, and will run through Aug. 23 when the original “Jaws,” released in 1975, will be shown. “Jaws” was to open the series on July 12, but the showing was postponed because of rain and thunderstorm warnings.

Christopher Sicuranza, the city’s director of constituent services, said the series continues to gain in popularity.

“It just seems to keep growing year after year,” he said, “and we’re getting more and more calls from outside the city, too. As much as people can watch these films on their iPads or at home, there’s nothing like getting out for these at such a community event — and that’s what these have become.”

Sicuranza, an admitted and unabashed “Star Wars geek,” said he’s especially looking forward to next week’s showing of 2016’s “Rogue One.”

The rest of the schedule calls for the “Lego Batman Movie” on Aug. 2, “The Princess Bride” on Aug. 9, and “Sing!” on Aug. 16.