Gloucester HarborWalk Summer Cinema 2017: the dates and titles for the free outdoor movies are…

Rob Newton, Cape Ann Community Cinema and Stage, announces the 2017 summer line up:

Save the dates! Six free movie nights begin Wednesday July 12th!

July 12 ::: Jaws
July 19 ::: Disney Moana
July 26 ::: Rogue One Star Wars Movie
August 2 ::: Lego Batman Movie
August 9 ::: The Princess Bride
August 16 ::: Sing!

July 12, 19, 26 and August 2, 9, 16. Rain dates  August 23, 30.

Over 5000 Cape Ann residents attended the HarborWalk Summer Cinema series in 2016.

Awesome North Shore 104.9 amps the pre-show festivities!

Contact Rob for 2017 partnership options.


ghw sc2015

“The Sing” moves from The Annie to The Inn at Babson Court

A week ago today, the group that formerly met at The Annie every Wednesday (7:00-9:30PM) to sing together had it’s first session at it’s new home, The Inn at Babson Court.

It was a perfect evening, weather-wise:

It was also a perfect evening for singing. We had a great turn-out, and Paul and Don gave us a great welcome to their inn, which provides an elegant and intimate setting for an evening of music.

 Click here for more photos of the evening:


Come and join us! We sit in a circle and take turns singing songs of any genre, with or without acoustic instruments.  We often join in with the songs if we know them, harmonizing or just singing the refrain.  No formal training or professional experience expected or required – the group includes everything from pros to people who usually only sing in the shower.  Or, come along just to listen! BYOB, and snacks to share are a welcome contribution.  A $5 donation is requested.


– Fr. Matthew Green

An evening of song at the Annie

Last night we had our weekly Wednesday night singing session at the Annie. It’s very informal and spontaneous; anyone who wants to show up takes a seat in our circle of chairs in the art parlor, and we go around taking turns singing (and/or playing acoustic instruments).   The group will often join in the chorus if it is a well-known song.   It’s a very open atmosphere; music of pretty much any genre, and singers any level of talent or experience (from people who usually only sing in the shower, to music professionals), are welcome. People are also welcome to come if they just want to listen.

Here is a slideshow of some spontaneous photos I took last night.

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“Gloucester Town” – from the Wednesday “sing” at the Annie

Carlo Cicala played and sang “Gloucester Town” (his variation on a familiar song) last Wednesday evening at the “sing” at The Annie.  He was accompanied by Bob on the sax and Ernie on the guitar.  I had some camera trouble that cut off the first few seconds, but here is the rest:


A new musical for the entire family  at Blackburn Performing Arts  1 Washington St.  Gloucester.
Friday July 16th and Saturday July 17th 7:30 PM
Tickets $10 adults $8.00 students & seniors
How could a musical take place inside a car? Well, it could if the passenger was on her way to a talent show audition – especially if the driver, her mother, was attempting to give her advice. Sparks start flying, mostly between the annoying younger sister and the “star” to the accompaniment of songs in a wide variety of styles – blues, rock, opera and country all fuse into one sizzling audition that… well, you be the judge.
Sing! is a new show written by Tim O’Brien and directed by local Emerson College studentCaitlin Hugel.  Local teens, Alexandra McColl and Marissa Lundy have choreographed the show and are featured dancers in the show.  The cast is made up of very talented Cape Ann youth ranging in age from 4 to 17: Rachel Sternlicht, Alexandra LeGendre, Charlotte Salmon, Alexandra McColl, Marissa Lundy, Jessica Lupo, Hannah Sears, Jack Favazza, Sarah Urbanski, Rebecca Brackett, Christina Giambanco, Henry Hardy, Owen Hardy, Bailee Militello, Sadie Baekstrom, Sabrina Siragusa, Stefanie Millefoglie, and Torrie McCabe Smeltzer

Performers  Rachel Sternlict and Christina Giambanco during a rehearsal