Essex at Dawn- 4:30AM 6/26/09

This is the Essex River and Hog Island, directly across the street from where the Adam Sandler movie “Grown Ups” was being filmed last week.  I went early in the morning and set up the tripod at 4:30 AM to take this dawn picture and to get a feeling for how accessible the set of Woodman’s was going to be.  I didn’t feel like getting tossed from the set like the day before.  So as I saw folks coming and going and I took this picture, I popped my head in to see the crew of people working like mad to put the inside of Woodman’s back together after filming all last week inside the building.

Essex at Dawn- 4:30AM 6/26/09, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Adam Sandler Movie Grown Ups Set Location Update- Woodmans Essex, Ma 4:37AM 6/26/09

Yesterday morning I went back to Woodman’s to get some pictures when everyone was asleep or there was a skeleton crew but to my surprise there was a crew of about 20 people working feverishly to put the place back together to reopen for the weekend after filming all last week.
Crew Gets Woodmans Ready To Reopen after Shooting Adam Sandler Movie
Electricians Work To Get Woodmans Ready For Reopening After Filming Adam Sandler Movie Grown Ups
Electricians Work To Get Woodman's Ready For Reopening After Filming Adam Sandler Movie Grown Ups
Adam Sandler Movie Grown Ups, Set Location Woodmans 4:37AM 6/26/09
Adam Sandler Movie Grown Ups, Set Location Woodman's 4:37AM 6/26/09

Adam Sandler’s Grown Ups Set Location- Woodman’s Essex Ma

My buddy Brian (the rabbit) and I walked onto the set to try to get you folks some up close pics of the stars but we were rebuffed.  Actually a more accurate description of what happened was we went into Dunkin Donuts next to Woodman’s and then took a sharp left onto the set and just kept walking until the security guy came and asked us to leave.  Drat!

The things I do for you my readers!

Woodman’s building is completely covered in black tarps as they are shooting a night scene inside.  What struck me funny is how they indiscriminately nailed strapping wood over the black tarp all over the old woodman’s building.  There are going to either be a ton of nail holes left behind when that strapping is pulled off or they are doing to have to redo the siding.