Adam Sandler’s Grown Ups Set Location- Woodman’s Essex Ma

My buddy Brian (the rabbit) and I walked onto the set to try to get you folks some up close pics of the stars but we were rebuffed.  Actually a more accurate description of what happened was we went into Dunkin Donuts next to Woodman’s and then took a sharp left onto the set and just kept walking until the security guy came and asked us to leave.  Drat!

The things I do for you my readers!

Woodman’s building is completely covered in black tarps as they are shooting a night scene inside.  What struck me funny is how they indiscriminately nailed strapping wood over the black tarp all over the old woodman’s building.  There are going to either be a ton of nail holes left behind when that strapping is pulled off or they are doing to have to redo the siding.

Adam Sandler Movie Neighborhood Communication

Here is a communication from Lakefront Productions, the company which  is working with “Happy Madison”  Adam Sandlers’ production company on the movie “Grown Ups”.  This went out to all the neighbors around  the lake.  You can click it and select “all sizes”  for the full size version to read how they will be handling boat traffic and the use of fireworks at different times during the summer.

Set Location For Adam Sandler Movie Grown Ups In Essex, Ma

If you click on the picture and select all sizes you can see the set up for cameras filming off the roof and the deck in greater detail.

This swim platform is new to the lake right in front of the Lake House where the scenes are being shot.  I’m not sure if it will be part of the movie or just a place for the actors/crew to goof off, but look for it when the movie comes out.

More Pictures From The Set Location For Adam sandler Movie Grown Ups In Essex, Ma

Here’s another round of pics from the set location for the Adam Sandler movie Grown Ups starring , ,

Make sure to make a mental note of these pictures so when the movie comes out you can say, “Hey, I remember those pictures on GMG!”

The Grammas Family Posts A Warm Welcome On the Lake

Set Location For Adam Sandler Movie “Grown Ups” In Essex, Ma

The Mrs got out on the lake to get you, our faithful Good Morning Gloucester readers the inside skinny and photos from the set!

This may look like it’s been on Chebacco Lake forever but in fact it was built to look old and rustic for the Adam Sandler film currently being shot in Essex Ma at Chebacco Lake.  More photos from the set to come.

When the movie comes out next summer look for these locations- you saw them here first!

Click this text to view some photos of Salma Hayek, Chris Rock, David Spade, Maya Rudolph and Adam Sandler on the set from the website

Set Location For Adam sandler Movie Grown Ups In Essex, Ma, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

In this shot you can see a lift truck with lighting-

More to come later