Gloucester Lobster Trap Tree ’10 -The Beginning

Featuring the 9:00AM Crew- David and Daniel Brooks, Paul Morrison, Shane and his brother The Emo kid, Scotty Horne, Ed Collard, Donna Ardizzoni and Rick Moore.

If you have any time at all today they could surely use a hand constructing the Lobster Trap tree.  If you are not able to physically help maybe you could drop off some warm cider or hot coffee.  It is cold as a motherfu$%er up there at Gloucester Police Station Pavillion.

We will be taping for The Learning Channel as well so come on down and be part of the fun.

Donna Ardizzoni is down there lugging traps that are bigger than her.  That woman is crazy I’m telling you!

Also if there are any lobstermen that have any lobster traps that they can contribute to the tree please swing down.  David and company will pick them up and drop them back off in your yard when the tree is dismantled.