Watching Waves for spin drift Rainbows. November surfers. Long Beach #RockportMA #GloucesterMA

Walking on Long Beach 11/24/2021 – Steady waves. Light on sea spray rainbows (a watched pot never boils…) November surfers.

vid clip Long Beach 11/24/2021- November rainbow sea spray; love when sunlight breaks through spin drifts– tossed rainbows. Faint and infrequent this day.

Long Beach November surfing GIFs and vid. clip-

November sunset waves like Turner seascapes | Long Beach Gloucester and Rockport MA

So this is November at Long Beach, views mostly from the Gloucester edge approximately two hours post high tide which was at 2:00PM November 27, 2018.

sun drops fast November surf_4PM_Long Beach looking back to Gloucester MA edge_20181127_©c ryan

sunset November surf_Twin Lights Rockport MA from Long Beach Gloucester MA_20181127_©c ryan

High tide was here


30 second video clips


— when sunlight broke through spin drifts tossed rainbows