Financial Future for Fishing Industry On Broadside With Jim Braude On NECN Watch The Video-

Can the Gloucester, Massachusetts, fishing fleet survive with no fish? John Bullard, the NOAA administrator who ordered ban on cod fishing in Gulf of Maine, and Jackie Odell, the executive director of Northeast Seafood Coalition, joined NECN to discuss the depleting resource.

Click for video-


Watch Gloucester Featured On NECN Wednesday Night at 7:30PM

A couple of days ago Carol Beggy, the producer of a new show –Style Boston contacted me to talk about Gloucester and all the things that people can do here in the Fall.  I wanted to make sure that people knew that our city doesn’t shut down for business and some of the best beach days of the year are in September when there are less crowds and you get those dry clear days.

The interviewer was Tony Corey, he’s a tie designer and artist by day (his ties are sold under Anthony Corey Ties) and he owns property in Gloucester.

I mentioned the Art scene, the dining scene, whale watching, deep sea fishing and the Block Parties.  I realize theres so much more but I had just split seconds to think of what I would say.

So if you are interested, check it out Wednesday night or when it reruns.

It’s called Style Boston and if you are a fan of GMG or Gloucester you won’t want to miss it.

Wednesday night  7:30PM NECN

Chickity Check It! Features GMG Photo

Matt Noyes, the best weatherman around has featured a bunch of GMG pictures on NECN’s sky scenes segment.  

Here’s the latest one that he featured on his web site It was a photo I took early in the morning of the Gloucester Tri which features Saint Peter’s Parking Lot and City Hall.

Chickity Check It! GMG photos on

NECN’s weatherman Matt Noyes has a blog in which he posts sky scene pictures.  Over the past few weeks he has used a bunch of GMG photos from my Gloucester At Dawn series on  NECN.

Check out his site by clicking the picture-

You can see a few others that were on his sky scenes television segment on NECN here, here, here ,here, here and here .

Here is one of the pages where they replay the NECN skyscenes video in which they highlight a pic of the fishermen’s wives statue.