Alchemy restaurant opening again! July 28, 2021

…in Lynnfield! Marketstreet

Welcome back Alchemy and congratulations Serenitee Restaurant Group on the old– and first — is new again.

Alchemy had a 12 year run on Duncan.

Photograph from a fan who traveled to Gloucester just to eat at Alchemy and is pumped to see it back on the North Shore. Thanks Toni for sharing a photo of the exterior with GMG!

new Alchemy opening Wednesday

Visitors on Stacy Boulevard

One of Gloucester’s Tourist attraction is Stacy Boulevard.


From Lynnfield Mass


From Richmond Virginia


From Syracuse New York

They traveled here in a mobile home and enjoyed a break on the Boulevard


A frequent visitor with his husky from Beverly Mass


From Peabody Mass, she worked in Gloucester and returns with her friends.