Good Eggs: A Big Shout Out To The Volunteers Who Helped With The Lobster Trap Tree

This in from Ed Collard-

Much thanks go out to all the volunteers and businesses who have been helping to make the lobster trap tree a reality.

Lobster Lady, Greg Smith, Jeff Worthley, Jamie O’Hara, Donna Ardizzoni, Dave Brooks, Dan Brooks, Rosalie Lentini, Steve Noble, John Mazzeo, Lonnie Guest, Aaron Trefley, Hiltz Disposal, Building Center.

and here are a list of the lobstermen who donated traps to use-

Ron Parnell
Jack and Steve Sulton
Geno Mondello
Kevin O’Maley
James Fialho
Aron Tuffley

click picture for the slide show from Thom Falzorano

click for the slide show

GMG Power Rankings #10

She might be a little nuts, but you can’t deny how devoted our number 10 ranked GMGer is.

No one puts the energy and effort into the comment section as Elaine Marie Sabotka AKA Lobster Lady.

Every day she shows up and contributes and if anyone knows me, they know I love the people that always check in.

She also submits photos from time to time and stops down the dock when she’s in town.

LobsterLady Represents!

LobsterLady AKA Elaine shows some GMG love.  Elaine has been a fan from the beginning and what would GMG be without the folks like you who enjoy the blog, leave comments and participate?  It’s what lets us know that people are still interested and motivates us to keep trying to make it better all the time.

Thanks LobsterLady and thank you to all the folks who participate on these pages.

LobsterLady Represents!, originally uploaded by captjoe06.