Ocean Alliance Press Release

Join Ocean Alliance’s Patrick Woods and Linde McNamara at The Elk’s Club,
on Wed., June 23rd, at 5pm, for an informal discussion on the progress and
plans to date of Ocean Alliance’s restoration of the historic Tarr
& Wonson Paint Manufactory. Since acquisition of the Paint Manufactory in
2008, Ocean Alliance has been working diligently to conduct all necessary
background work in preparation for the restoration—cleanup and remediation,
site visits, inspections, initial permitting, design, etc. With on-site
activity beginning this spring, we invite you to join Pat and Linde to learn
more about Ocean Alliance’s short-term and long-term plans and share your
thoughts on this project. We look forward to seeing you there and discussing
this exciting restoration!

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combined effort with the League of Women Voters in Gloucester?