5 Questions With @Joey_C’s Favorite Twitter Peeps- @KidNS

5 Questions With Bill O’Connor @KidNS


What are your duties at your job and do you use twitter as a tool for your job?

Owner, publisher, graphic designer, technologist, photographer, and more!  Twitter is an integral part of how we deliver information. We do not really use it socially, i.e. messaging back and forth. It’s more about spreading the word for us. We keep a steady flow of tweets going throughout the week.

Why do you think you are follow worthy on Twitter?

· Our tweets are mostly readable and understandable.

· Our tweets deliver a valid piece of information that our readers can actually use.

· 95% of our tweets are not cluttered with chatter, and don’t add to it.

What types of tweets or twitter user drive you up a wall?

Tweeting is a hard skill for some people to learn, and a lot of people are trying to learn it, so the Twitterverse is full of chatter and tweets that really don’t mean or say anything at all. The reason you only have 140 characters is because it forces you to think it through before you make your point. Imagine that, you have to think before you type! Why would somebody tweet, ‘LOL’ or ‘ROFLMAO’? Does that even qualify as a tweet? It’s been done ad nauseum, contributes nothing to the conversation, and literally says nothing…  I suppose it’s a necessary evil for people who need to learn the platform, though.

Who are some of your favorite twitter users?

There are many, but here’s a few I can name off the top of my head:

· @Joey_C (of course!)

· @thetrustees

· @massaudubon

· @essexheritage

· @PBSkids

· @museumofscience

· @coastalbyway

· @DscvrGlstr


· @NatGeoKids


Do you have a website you would like to promote?

Sure! North Shore Kid focuses on events, activities and places in and around the North Shore that nurture kids’ desire to learn by doing and create memorable family experiences.