5 Questions With @Joey_C’s Favorite Twitter Peeps- @DscvrGlstr Linn Parisi


5 Questions With Linn Parisi- @DscvrGlstr


What are your duties at your job and do you use twitter as a tool for your job?

Although what I do is like having two full time jobs, I don’t really have a "job" with Discover Gloucester. I’m in an unpaid position, as everyone involved with Discover Gloucester is. Crazy, huh?!

Some of the work I’ve taken on for the past 5.5 years includes attending trade shows and sales missions to meet with wholesale buyers of travel; attending tourism-related meetings, seminars, etc. around the State; planning out the marketing initiatives that Discover Gloucester takes on i.e. the Visitor Guide (working on our 5th!), our new website, the new Seafood Trail, co-operative advertising and co-operative booth sharing at area consumer shows, and  way more than you want me to list here. No wonder I’m tired!

I do use Twitter- a lot- in the outreach work I do to get more visitors to come here. I only Tweet for Discover Gloucester, not personally. Some would say- as they did at yesterday’s Discover Gloucester Annual Meeting- that I Tweet to the degree that I talk, lol. Can you imagine if I Tweeted personally?!

Why do you think you are follow worthy on Twitter?

I don’t outright sell when I tweet. I try to get interesting, quirky Gloucester/Rockport/Essex tidbits & images out there that will entice & inform the readers so maybe they’ll want to take a look at us as a destination. Or not. Sometimes I post something just because it’s interesting/entertaining to me, and I figure it might be to someone else, too. I make my Tweets conversational- not business-like. Ryan Pinkham (whom I remember as a Kindergartner on up through Beeman School 🙂 had a fab post today re: the importance of the human and human-ness behind the Tweet. I completely agree. It’s all about the back and forth of a conversation.

What types of tweets or twitter user drive you up a wall?

Posting a facebook link, by itself, makes me wonder why they bothered to link fb to Twitter. Tweets with no reference to what or where the event is make me crazy, like "Two-fer deal going on at Larry’s!" Who is Larry; where is Larry; and what’s Larry’s deal- and why should we care?

Who are some of your favorite twitter users?


















@Joey_C  (duh)

Do you have a website you would like to promote?

DiscoverGloucester.com will be up and happening before we’re into the new tourism season. How’s that for vague?

5 Questions With @Joey_C’s Favorite Twitter Peeps- @KidNS

5 Questions With Bill O’Connor @KidNS


What are your duties at your job and do you use twitter as a tool for your job?

Owner, publisher, graphic designer, technologist, photographer, and more!  Twitter is an integral part of how we deliver information. We do not really use it socially, i.e. messaging back and forth. It’s more about spreading the word for us. We keep a steady flow of tweets going throughout the week.

Why do you think you are follow worthy on Twitter?

· Our tweets are mostly readable and understandable.

· Our tweets deliver a valid piece of information that our readers can actually use.

· 95% of our tweets are not cluttered with chatter, and don’t add to it.

What types of tweets or twitter user drive you up a wall?

Tweeting is a hard skill for some people to learn, and a lot of people are trying to learn it, so the Twitterverse is full of chatter and tweets that really don’t mean or say anything at all. The reason you only have 140 characters is because it forces you to think it through before you make your point. Imagine that, you have to think before you type! Why would somebody tweet, ‘LOL’ or ‘ROFLMAO’? Does that even qualify as a tweet? It’s been done ad nauseum, contributes nothing to the conversation, and literally says nothing…  I suppose it’s a necessary evil for people who need to learn the platform, though.

Who are some of your favorite twitter users?

There are many, but here’s a few I can name off the top of my head:

· @Joey_C (of course!)

· @thetrustees

· @massaudubon

· @essexheritage

· @PBSkids

· @museumofscience

· @coastalbyway

· @DscvrGlstr


· @NatGeoKids


Do you have a website you would like to promote?

Sure! North Shore Kid focuses on events, activities and places in and around the North Shore that nurture kids’ desire to learn by doing and create memorable family experiences.

5 Questions With @Joey_C’s Favorite Twitter Peeps- @JMcElhenny

5 Questions With John McElhenny- https://twitter.com/JMcElhenny


What are your duties at your job and do you use twitter as a tool for your job?

I work at InkHouse, a public relations and social content agency. My job is to help companies tell their stories and connect with consumers and other businesses. Twitter’s a big part of my job. We help companies use Twitter to tell their stories and build their audiences. But I’ve also used Twitter to identify and bring in new clients, start up conversations with reporters and interest them in writing about my clients, recruit promising candidates to work at my company, and keep on top of what’s happening in PR and journalism. I also have Twitter to thank for my job since it’s where I started up a conversation with the co-founder of InkHouse, who eventually hired me. So Twitter’s been an extremely valuable tool for me, kind of like Paul Morrison and his Korkers.

Why do you think you are follow worthy on Twitter?

I try and tweet about things that other people will find useful, interesting or funny. I tweet a lot about public relations, journalism and Gloucester, since I’m a PR guy and former news reporter who lives in Gloucester. So I guess people interested in those areas might find more of interest in what I post. But in reality, I’m pretty sure most people who follow me are just hoping I’ll retweet some of the funny tweets from @Joey_C and @SteveDuJour. Those are the real Twitter rainmakers.

What types of tweets or twitter user drive you up a wall?

– “Good morning, Twitterverse!”

– Twitter users who don’t use their photo. I think the value of Twitter is in making connections with people. For me, it’s difficult to connect with somebody whose Twitter icon is a cartoon pirate or their cat.

– Too many hashtags and @ signs. It makes a tweet difficult to read.

– Constant one-way tweets about you or your company that don’t engage others. People will tune those out really fast.

Who are some of your favorite twitter users?

@PeteAbe is the Red Sox beat reporter for the Globe. He’s smart and funny and I’m a big Sox fan.

@ScottMonty is the Ford Motor Company’s social media guru. He’s the model for how a big company can use Twitter really well – down-to-earth, authentic and informative.

@NotBillWalton is a funny parody account that’s mostly about basketball, my favorite sport. Most of my Twitter feed is serious stuff about PR, journalism and current events so it’s nice to sprinkle some humor in.

@Joey_C is one of the best that I’ve seen anywhere at engaging with others on Twitter. Also if I give him a shout-out he’s more likely to run this on his blog.

Do you have a website you would like to promote?

That’d be www.InkHouse.com, the PR and social content agency where I work.

Also www.nextstepnet.org, the website for Next Step, the nonprofit where my wife works. They do great work helping teens with cancer, HIV and other serious illnesses. 

Thanks for asking me to chime in, Joey. This was fun.

John Just took a new job as Vice President at Inkhouse where they are really lucky to have him.

Look at what Tina cassidy had to say about him-


Today, InkHouse is thrilled to welcome John McElhenny as a vice president. I came to know and respect John many years ago when we covered politics together. He was at the Associated Press at the time. Not only did he always ask sharp questions but he always made his fellow reporters – and sometimes elected officials — crack up from the dry application of his wit.

While InkHouse does not have a “sense of humor test” akin to Google’s famous hiring process, we do screen for likability, brains, innate curiosity and the ability to write well while applying AP style. (A recent piece that he ghost-wrote for a client in a major outlet included references to Magnum, P.I.; Ron Burgundy and Smokey & The Bandit in the same breath.)

John checks all of those boxes, and a few more. In addition to his years of writing for the AP and the Boston Globe, he has worked for Schwartz Communications and Matter Communications, so he brings to InkHouse a deep understanding of both journalism and PR as they relate to technology, the start-up world, and client and media relations. John also has won awards as a journalist and as a PR professional.

And, well, we think he’s a winner, too! In short, he’s a great fit for a place where personalities and intelligence run deep.

Read more from Tina Cassidy

Twitter Faceoff @GDTnews vs @Joey_C

www.visual.ly is a fun site which lets you create infographics based on twitter statistics.  You can have fun plugging in your favorite twitteratti, just go to the site and click on Twitter Faceoff and then enter two twitter usernames and it will create your infographic.


You can and should follow the Gloucester Daily Times Twitter Feed here

My Twitter feed can be found here

I plugged in The Gloucester Daily Times Twitter feed and Mine- here are the results they came up with (I based the GDT Character off of my buddy Andrea Holbrook)



