And just like that, Izzy storm wind dropped After high tide #GloucesterMA

11:30AM. Tide surge – area coastal flooding in typical spots.

Cars lightly backed up heading on to Nautilus for Atlantic/back shore drive

p.s. If you’re heading to CVS and Stop & Sho,p use the Charlie’s entrance.

power outages in Mass. right now | windy Izzy, first winter storm 2022

Gloucester, Ma.

  • Temp: 40°F right now
  • Sunrise: by 7:10
  • Next high tide: about 10:45 AM- the surf is high already
  • Steady whipping winds, through 12-1pm
  • Massachusetts power outages 6:11 (pics below): 4524
  • Massachusetts power outages 6:45AM: 9814
  • Cape Ann power outages: Essex

Before daybreak January 17, 2022 Massachusetts, the MEMA Massachusetts power outage map shows under 5000 out as this wind whipping–and warm here–storm continues, and the morning reports come in. Brownouts by me. Tally about doubled in 30 minutes.

MEMA phone here:

MEMA desktop here

The Joey C and Izzy Love Fest Continues

Where Joey survives yet another attack from Paul Frontiero’s vicious (read adorable) Izzy.

Joey Ciaramitaro Nicole Bogin, Donna, James -2 ©Kim Smith 2015James, Joey, Nicole, and Donna podcasting from the Cape Ann Farmer’s Market Stage Fort Park Visitor’s Center ~ note zit removed.



Who said Joey C hates dogs?
Who said Joey is a wimp when it comes to anything with more than 2 legs?
Who said Joey is a jerk when it comes to someone’s love of their 4 legged child?
Not me now.
Little “IZZY” stole Joey’s Heart last Friday. Joey even fed her by hand.
Seeing him hug and kiss her made me cry. I guess I had Joey all wrong.
So bring your dogs down the dock when visiting and maybe Joey will throw you a Bone.



