TJ Peckham and Tom Ryan Host Second Week of Live Home Brewing and Beer Show “The Deadliest Batch” Wed at 7:00 PM

“The Deadliest Batch” will be on again this Wednesday at 7:00 PM and cover all things home brewing. It is live so that viewers can email in their questions. You can watch the live or a replay of last week’s sow at

This week’s show features how to carbonate your home brew, put your beer into a keg, and bottle it. In addition they will discuss Christmas gift ideas for the home brewer, whether they be experienced or just starting out. As always, they will also feature a recipe of the week and this week it is No Worries Wassail. Last but not least is the weekly beer tasting, and this week it will be the historical Saint Bernardus Christmas Ale, from a brewery located in a remote area of West Flanders, Belgium.

The Dealiest Batch- To Air Live On GDT Tonight


TJ Peckham and Tom Ryan to Host Weekly Home Brew TV Show –“The Dealiest Batch” – on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM “The Dealiest Batch” will start this Wednesday at 7:00 PM and cover all things home brewing. It is live so that viewers can email in their questions. It will be on every Wednesday at the same time. TJ and Tom began their home brewing careers in college. Even when they were fishing out of Dutch Harbor, Alaska they both brought books on beer, brewing and breweries to read while we were isolated on the ship for months at a time. Now they both work at Cape Ann Brewing Co. of Gloucester, home of The Fisherman’s IPA, but still carry on their home brewing activities, including a home brewing club, videos and a new weekly TV show, “The Deadliest Batch – Home Brewing with T&T” to be seen every Wednesday at 7:00 PM at Viewers can also see their other videos and replays of the program in the Wine & Beverage Videos category.

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