Daniel Nunes – 2023  Mordomo for the Feast of the Holy Spirit

Mordomo Daniel Nunes and Father “Jim” Achadinha pray the Rosary at the DES Club in preparation for the Feast of the Holy Spirit on Sunday at Our Lady of Good Voyage Church.

Many worshipers participate by saying the Rosary and attending Mass at the DES Club all week.


2022 Mordomo’s are Mr. and Mrs. Jose Dias Ferreira, they have been hosting the crown in their home for the past year. Father “Jim” Achadinha celebrated Mass with Mr. and Mrs. Ferreira and members of the DES Club.

A week of prayer has been held at the DES Club, the procession and Feast of the “Holy Spirit” is on Sunday June 12th at Our Lady of Good Voyage staring at 10:00 AM from the DES Club.

2016 DES Crowning-individuals

_2016_05_22_084244The Crowning (Coronation) concludes the principal religious ceremonies and involves the placement of the silver crown on the head of the individuals. Each person crowned has a personal reason or a promise they made to God.

Manuel and Alexandria Nunes, the Mordomos for this year, also celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary, and received blessing by Father Jim Achadinha.

Honoring a 700 Year Old Portuguese Tradition

State Senator Bruce Tarr, State Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante and Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken Honor a 700 Year Old Portuguese Tradition at the DES Portuguese Club.

See The History of the Holy Ghost Feast in a previous Post.




Portuguese Community Celebrate The Holy Ghost

This ancient religious tradition began on mainland Portugal around 1296, by initiative of Portuguese Queen Isabel.  She founded the first Holy Ghost brotherhood.

The tradition is now mostly celebrated by the Azorean Community.

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