Mad Merry Highlights Reveal 2023 | Holiday Lights and Cocoa Drives Map #GloucesterMA Homes

The last batch! Here are images of the final Gloucester homes added to the Holiday Lights and Cocoa Drives 2023 edition, the Google online and printable map, and the 2023 Mad Merry Highlights Tour reveal. Whether they’re religious or secular, traditional or one hit wonders, minimal or ornate, by hand or by hire–; let’s admire the joy and creativity brought to their Gloucester designs and the spark they share from a little light on dark winter nights!

note: you might want to increase the brightness on your display if you have it set low.

IMAGES: As in deck the halls, doors, windows, roofs and yards with boughs of holly-holidays! Here’s the list of 20 (alphabetized by roads in Gloucester neighborhoods)

    • 7 Cherry Hill Road Impressionist Jewell
    • 18 Reynard Street Journey of Joy
    • 22 Reynard street White Lights Wonderland
    • 37 Reynard Street Red Lights Shimmer
    • 42 Reynard Street Blue Green Showstopper
    • 8 Spruce Road Ho Ho Holiday Spirit
    • 6 Abbott Road Aglow & Glistening
    • 2 Crestview Terrace (off Harrison Avenue) Christmas Corner
    • 6 Crestview Terrace (off Harrison Avenue) 1970s Animation Islands
    • 4 Elizabeth Street Frosty House
    • 12 Elizabeth Street Joyland House
    • 29 High Popples Road
    • 8 Lendall Street (off Harrison Avenue) Lights on Lendall
    • 12 Starknaught Road (off Witham) Starknaught Santa candy cane cheer
    • Centennial & Washington St. Blue Angel
    • 6 Friend Court Santa Waving
    • 79 Perkins Street Indigo Traditional
    • 357 Western Avenue Merry and Bright
    • 12 Concord Street Gingerbread Dazzler
    • 326 Essex Avenue Magical Delight

Images: DOWNTOWN. 57 Prospect St. at the RR & Maplewood buoy intersection; 158 and 160 Washington Street pair; Corner of Ashland Place & Washington St. (across from Poplar)

Merry Whimsy Highlights

Images: Have you seen…? The blue crescent moon rising over Rt. 128 between the rotaries is the OG hanging lights design–an annual beacon heralding the Seasons that’s inspired others; the magical lights reflecting Goose Cove; ‘Merry’ on Cherry hedge; Days pond’s tiny floating Santa; Santa and his reindeer flying in the sky (seen from Rt. 128)


Roads worth a ride: Essex Ave (Rt. 133) between Essex and Kent Circle in Gloucester; Finch Lane; Elizabeth Street; Harrison Ave (to Crestwood); Reynard Street, Reservoir Road, and High Popples.

Iconic Scenic Stops: Gloucester’s Christmas trees at Kent Circle and Lobster Trap Tree on Harbor Loop, the Lobster Trap Menorah on Middle Street and Rockport’s Christmas Tree in Dock Square are enchanting! (This year there are more homes illuminated on the drive into Rockport via Eastern Ave.)

Trends 2023

Images: the Red and Green color scheme!

Photo Batch #5 (last one for this season!)

Images: photo additions as of Dec. 14th to the Google map include the following streets: Reynard Street, Linden Road, Cherry Street, Finch Lane, Washington Street, Brightside Ave., Crestview Terrace, Decatur Street, East Main Street, Hartz, High Popples Road, Marina Drive, Western Avenue

2023 Map Holiday Lights and Cocoa Drives

A selection of Gloucester’s decorated homes (about 250). Photos were posted on Good Morning Gloucester in 5 separate batches.

This is the last batch of photos for 2023. There are photos of about 250 homes. Some are added to the map in bundles on streets. There is at least one image for each map point. If I’ve missed one of the requests or a favorite let me know.

PRINTABLE | Seek & Find Mad Merry Highlights 2023