JASON BURROUGHS Goetemann Residency May 2019 intro talk May 6


Jason Burroughs Goetemann Artist Residency 2019 – Gloucester Invitational Artist month of May opening talk May 6th

Read more about Jason Burroughs here

Whether as sculptor, painter, muralist, mixed media or assemblage fine artist, Gloucester-born Jason Burroughs works across media with a signature touch. Can’t wait to see what happens from this residency. Follow him on Instagram- he’s been doing a weekly sketch on his instagram page @jazzyjburroughs

What would Jason do here?

Ever since I saw his inventive stepped paintings pre 2017,  I wonder what would Jason do here-

what would Jason do_20190216_ hoping for mural commission here police station _or at O'Maley  Gloucester MA.jpg


2017 – inventive sculpture paintings stepped away from flat and vertical surfaces


or just about anywhere! I’ve written about the monumental walls at O’Maley ideal for professionally trained artists that are former Gloucester O’Maley grads–like Jason– at the start of their careers. Murals are common public art attractions. To date I have not seen one mural initiative with that focus. Clandenstine street art and graffiti art can break through. (Some practitioners are diametrically opposed to that commercial conceit.) Elite global street artists and muralists command hundreds of thousands of dollars through private and corporate sponsorships. Commissions this scale for young artists with degrees begin at $16,000. That’s a great our town endeavor/grant investment.

Monumental walls at O’Maley ideal canvas for murals by former alums now emerging artists / art school grads – O’Maley Innovation Middle School Gloucester Mass- Feb 3 2016

Read about the Parsons Street murals (wall) here.


Established in 2015, this one month residency is offered by committee invitation to an inspiring and highly deserving Gloucester artist. It is understood that artistic inspiration can be difficult to attain when work and family take precedence. The artist is provided with a live-work studio for one month. Read more here about Goetemann juried and invitational artist residencies 

The Cultural Center at Rocky Neck is open Thursday-Sunday. Seasonal Hours are: June through August 12-6pm, September through May 12-4pm.

Gallery 53 at Rocky Neck, 53 Rocky Neck Avenue is open seasonally May – October, seven days a week, 11am-6pm, Thurs-Sat until 8pm.

Visit www.rockyneckartcolony.org for more information. 

Liz Sibley Fletcher art sale to benefit two local organizations

Save the date- meet the artist. June 3, Rocky Neck. Dozens of sculpture and wall works by local artist Liz Sibley Fletcher will be available for a  special one day sale to benefit Maritime Gloucester and Pathway.

Liz Fletcher

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALiz Fletcher – Old Frog Pond Farm & Studio Annual Sculpture Walk around the pond and through the woods


Since graduating from Mass. College of Art in 1970, Liz Fletcher has worked in clay as a sculptor, potter, and teacher. She is an exhibiting member of the NH Art Association and the League of NH Craftsmen, showing her work around New England and as far as Georgia, Texas, and the state of Washington. Living in the woods, Fletcher became concerned about human impacts on the land. After getting a Masters degree in Resource Management at Antioch New England, she assisted the Nashua River Watershed Association with open space planning, coordinating their Greenway program to protect the rivers of the region. “The wonders of the natural world inspire me, as do the absurdities of the human condition, which is often not beautiful but sometimes humorous! People often sense a narrative quality in my work — the images speak, telling stories. Life forms fascinate me. I love to shape clay into creatures and strange beings whose combinations of human, beast, and bone embody the interpenetration of the natural and human worlds, of geologic time and daily life. We’re all in it together — voyaging in this great mysterious universe.”

Past exhibits, installations and commissions