Beth Williams Studio- Friends and Collections Work

If you click on any of the photos and then select “all sizes” you can see the names of the folks behind the pieces shown here.

Beth Williams Studio, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Beth Williams Studio

Colored glass rods line the back wall of Beth Williams Studio.  These colored glass rods will be used to make the unique pieces that Beth produces.

I imagine that if you are not extremely well organized this place could turn ito an unmanageable mess in a hurry but Beth keeps everything in colorful order.

You walk into the place and it’s like a huge color orgy.

Beth Williams Studio, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Welcome To Beth Williams Studio Week

This is Beth Williams Studio Week.
If you recall, Beth was the winner of the Downtown Merchants GMG Flower Box Competition. For her participation and taking home first place she will be awarded a week long spread in these pages. A well deserved expose if you will.

Beth Williams Studio, originally uploaded by captjoe06.