Part 6 Manny Carrancho shares treasured photos Madonna statue carried from Gil Eannes at State Pier to Our Lady

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Part 5 Readers Respond and vessel list Manny Carrancho treasured photos Fred Buck Cape Ann Museum and Reginald Santos

Fred Buck at the Cape Ann Museum sends a message, photo and printed matter. Thank you so much, Fred!

“Thanks to the Carrancho family for preserving this piece of Gloucester and the memories still out there. I’m attaching a news photo i found on ebay a couple years ago of this same event.  Hand-written notes  on the back but no attribution for photographer or publication.  i’m adding a piece from the June 1948 Atlantic Fisherman Magazine in the museum collection, giving their write-up of the event.  Please pass these on to the Carranchos and feel free to add them to any additional posts on Good Morning Gloucester about the occasion.  The breadth of history in this little city is a beautiful thing.”


May 28, 1948. Our Lady of Good Voyage statue for altar of church, being carried from Portuguese vessel ‘Gil Eannes’. docked at State Fish Pier. news photo, no attribution.




Reginald Santos sent a comparison of statues (1948 vs 1953), plus a photo marked up that may identify his Uncle, Capt. Albino Pereira. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!

1948 vs 1953

1953 – 1948 Our Lady Statue Comparison

R Santos ids pphoto

Newspaper clippings include many names, participants, organizers, and skippers. The vessels in line for the blessing as reported in the Gloucester Daily Times were as follows:

Capt Domingos, Capt Carrancho*, Capt David Lopes Maranhas, Capt John Oscar Ribeiro* of the dragger Puritan (*best man at Joanna and Manny’s wedding)

Capt Manuel Silva, Capt Frank Brown of the dragger Emily

Capt Frank Brown of the dragger Emily Brown

Capt John Francis of the dragger Carol Anne

Captain Edward Silva of the dragger Magellan

Captain Capt Manuel P. Goulart, Capt Manuel Carise of the dragger Evalina M Goulart

Capt Hawk, Capt Frank Rose formerly of the dragger Edith and Lillian

Capt Joseph DaCruz of the dragger Alvan T Fuller

Capt Albino Pereira of the dragger Portugal

Capt John Fragata of the dragger Olivia Brown,

Capt Chris Cecilio* of the dragger Mary and Josephine

Capt Manuel Carrancho of the dragger Raymonde 

Capt Fernando Pereira of the dragger Manuel P. Domingos

Capt Manuel Marques of the dragger Gov Al Smith 

Capt David Ribeiro of the dragger Edith L Boudreau


*Chris Cecilio= Joanna’s uncle (her father’s brother). Her father, Joseph, died in 1939.

*Carrancho listed on the Puritan could be Manny’s brother or father

*still checking on which John Carrancho led the committee

Continue reading “Part 5 Readers Respond and vessel list Manny Carrancho treasured photos Fred Buck Cape Ann Museum and Reginald Santos”

Part 4 Manny Carrancho shares treasured photos Madonna statue carried from Gil Eannes at State Pier to Our Lady

Scenes from the banquet at The Tavern Hotel

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Continue reading “Part 4 Manny Carrancho shares treasured photos Madonna statue carried from Gil Eannes at State Pier to Our Lady”

Part 3 Manny Carrancho Shares treasured photos Madonna statue carried from the Gil Eannes at State Pier to Our Lady

Our Lady of Good Voyage Madonna cedar-wood statue was created by two artists from Porto, Portugal, and was commissioned by Portuguese-American fishermen of Gloucester for the Our Lady of Good Voyage church. Silva Franca made the Madonna and Ourivesaria Alianca made the crown and vessel. It was brilliantly welcomed to Gloucester in 1948.

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Here’s the timeline thanks to Sawyer Free and Gloucester Daily Times

On Sunday May 23, 1948

350 Portuguese-American fishing skippers and fishermen, their wives and children and friends took part in the third crowning and readied for the upcoming fourth annual blessing of the fleet. “A most colorful procession in the annual coronation ceremonies of the DES club in the Church of Our Lady of Good Voyage when Rev. Stephen E. DeMoura, the pastor, honored 22 with the impressive mass of coronation including the imperator, Capt. John Lopes of Sadler Street.”

Thursday May 27, 1948 

Cutting it close: the Gloucester Daily Times reported that the Portuguese ship Gil Eannes was expected at Fish Pier but didn’t arrive.  The 279 foot, 1048 net tons, fishing fleet hospital vessel, str. Gil-Eannes, “bound here from Lisbon, Portugal, with the estimated 600 pound cedar-wood life size statue of Our Lady of Good Voyage was due in port by 9 o’clock this morning, but up to noon today had not been sighted off Eastern Point Light.”  

It was here, just not at the pier. Take note: there’s a Ten Pound Island detail–Pancake Ground, and homeland security.

It was believed that she was fog bound off the coast and was jogging awaiting clearing before chancing the remaining voyage into port. She will anchor on the Pancake Ground near Ten Pound Island until tomorrow afternoon when she is due to dock at the State Fish pier.” She was escorted off Whistling Buoy by the redfish dragger Carol Ann, Capt. Francis, and brought to anchor on the Pancake Ground for a “three hour inspection to clear her for official entry.” Harbormaster Captain Fred Wise used his own craft. Mayor Friend gave a short speech. Seventy one officers, crew, and ‘relief fishermen’ were on board the Gil Eannes as it made the 11 day crossing.

What an arrival: the fog was so thick no one ashore could catch any glimpse of her! The Princess of Portugal, her Royal Highness Antonia de Braganza, was expected to arrive for the festivities and was booked at the Tavern, as were the ambassadors. Thousands came to town including bus groups from New Bedford, New Jersey, and other states. There were 26 Gloucester fishing boats and the USS Perry destroyer for the blessing of the fleet.

Memorial Day Weekend – Friday May 28, 1948-Sunday May 30, 1948

A thrilling 3-day observance festival began with Bishop John Wright leading a mass and procession Friday morning to the pier, and closed on Sunday with Archbishop Richard Cushing. Reverend DeMoura had a zealous committee. Twelve brawny crew from the Gil Eannes (matching shirts) six at a time alternated carrying the statue to the church. Crowds lined the streets and these guests were stunned at the sheer size of such a welcome. Three thousand people watched the procession and it’s estimated 10,000 were there for the Sunday climax.

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Gil Eannes crew, honor guard for the statue

Over the 3 days, there were special programs along with Memorial Day ceremonies: a carillon concert from the towers Friday night, a plaza-like square was decorated with colored electric lights in front of the church, banquets (at the Tavern), band concerts, and folk dancing*.  Later in the weekend, two men each from 25 different Gloucester draggers were chosen for the honor of bearing the statue on their shoulders to and fro the pier.Poor weather postponed the final day ceremonies. Ambassador Pereiro left with the Gil Eannes to travel to the Grand Banks and visit with the estimated 3000 fellow countrymen, fishing there in some 60 salt cod Portuguese boats at the time.

Of course, while aboard ship (in Gloucester), a bevy of news photographers and movie newsreel gentry took a raft of film of the statue, of the two bishops and monsignor and priests meeting one another…” 

I would like to see a newsreel. Newspapers carried it across the country thanks to the Associated Press pictures. By 1953 National Geographic was in town for a feature story in color. (You can read that article)

Associated Press  daily illini Tuesday 10 June  1948


More photographs tomorrow.

(*Rose Sheehan did you know?)

Continue reading “Part 3 Manny Carrancho Shares treasured photos Madonna statue carried from the Gil Eannes at State Pier to Our Lady”


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Mary Jean Ribeiro

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A couple of years ago, because of research I was doing about Gordon Parks in Gloucester and thankfully Joey posted on Good Morning Gloucester, I was able to interview Manny and Joanna Carrancho. Manny and his family spent considerable time giving me a detailed account of earlier events in their lives. They shared treasured historic photos and first hand knowledge and were a delight.  Part 2 photographs continue with a town procession from the state pier to the church.  

More photographs tomorrow

 Part 1


Gloucester Motif Monday: Manny Carrancho shares treasured photos Our Lady Statue carried from the Gil Eannes at State Pier to Our Lady

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In honor of the annual Crowning Feast of the Holy Spirit which begins tonight, today’s Gloucester Motif Monday is a legacy one.

Good Morning Gloucester is an indisputable platform for outreach and community. A couple of years ago, because of research I was doing about Gordon Parks in Gloucester and thankfully Joey posted on Good Morning Gloucester, I was able to interview Manny Carrancho. Manny and his family spent considerable time giving me a detailed account of earlier events in their lives. They shared treasured historic photos and first hand knowledge and were a delight.

Joanna (Cecilio) and Manuel Carrancho

This week I’ll feature photographs from a souvenir picture album in Manny’s collection as they feature Our Lady of Good Voyage and one of the Madonna statues. The photographs are from a booklet: Coronation Our Lady Of Good Voyage, produced with cooperation of the Portuguese Daily News and photography by Hollywood Studio, New Bedford, MA. You will see the  Our Lady statue on the vessel Gil Eannes with Bishop Don Manuel Salguiero. Its special arrival is met by a town procession led by Arch Bishop Wright and dignitaries at the State Pier. Twelve fishermen were selected to greet them. Let us know if you recognize family in the photographs. Were you there? 

news edit: Brenda Mason Budrow writes that the little girl in one photo is Mary Jean (Ribeiro) Mason, her mom. Thanks, Brenda!

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Brenda Mason Budrow writes that the little girl in this photo is Mary Jean (Ribeiro) Mason, her mom


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Tonight: the Crowning Feast of the Holy Spirit begins May 9th 2016 in Our Lady’s Church.

More photos to come.

Part 2 photos of the greeting on the vessel and carrying the 600lb statue

Part 3 photos in the church and background on the Gil Eannes and the statue
Continue reading “Gloucester Motif Monday: Manny Carrancho shares treasured photos Our Lady Statue carried from the Gil Eannes at State Pier to Our Lady”