Downton Abby Comedy Skit for a Cause ~ Text Santa

Its a Wonderful Life, Downton-style, with special guest George Clooney. In case you missed all the hype, the fifth season of Downton Abby returns on PBS on Sunday January 4th.


Photos From Walker Hancock Tribute Weekend Courtesy Cat Ryan

Cape Ann Museum MAXED out tonight for WALKER HANCOCK and other updates for tribute weekend- Sunday Schedule…

Cat Ryan submits-

Sunday! 1:30, 2:30 (space limited) Cape Ann Museum guided tour

Sunday! 1:30 Cape Ann Cinema showing The Monuments Men film

Sunday! 3pm City Hall special panel

Look for the wonderful series of articles and excellent coverage by Gail McCarthy and others in the Gloucester Daily Times!

Contact Judith Hoglander

visit (designed by Rob Newton)



FIRST PRIZE September 2014: Artist Brian Fay won the 2014 UK’s Derwent Art Prize just this month for this pencil drawing, Looted Salt Mine 1945 Manet in the Winter Garden. You can find his work as part of Pierogi’s famous online flatfiles.


I’m All In For Getting A Nut Tuck

the Daily Mail reports-

How George Clooney has inspired cosmetic craze for ‘ball ironing’ – that sees wrinkles removed from you know where…


George Clooney has repeatedly joked that instead of his eyes he gets the skin on his testicles ‘ironed’ out, but now it appears he’s inspired a new craze in Hollywood.

Cosmetic expert Nurse Jamie told MailOnline that she added ‘Tighten the Tackle’ to the list of services at her Santa Monica spa, Beauty Park, last year, and it has been a raving success.

Delicately describing the $575 non-surgical treatment, the blonde beautician says it involves using lasers to remove hair, erase wrinkles and correct discoloration on the scrotum.

Listen, I’ll be the first to admit that as I’ve aged, my boys aren’t hanging all high and tight like they used to be.  I’d long thought about getting a little nut tuck to smooth things out “down there” but now that my man George Clooney is endorsing it, I’m ALL IN!

$575 for the non-surgical procedure?  Chump change to freshen up the boys.

Which spa around here offers such services?  We can live blog the procedure.  Maybe do a whole pay-per-view deal.

Thanks George for being brave enough to come forward with your own ball ironing to make it acceptable for men with low hanging nuts everywhere to “tighten their tackle