Camilla MacFadyen: The White-Ellery Farm Project

Camilla MacFadyen: The White-Ellery Farm Project

Saturday, August 6 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

245 Washington Street, Gloucester, MA


"… have you noticed on the pole on the corner of your house a big red mark? Well that is a sign that ‘human beings live here’ and I remember that no one went from our door hungry."

From the diary of Ida Beaman Falk, 1892-197?

The White Ellery Farm Project is a collaborative piece about history, community and our agrarian roots. It is an art/history "happening", gathering artists and farmers together to bring spirit and community back to the old farm. Join friends and neighbors for a community pot luck with food given by the plentiful home gardens of Cape Ann. If possible, bring an old family recipe or a salad from your garden to share. Take this opportunity to sit with and meet the people in your community and learn about this precious historic farm.

Inside the historic house, Camilla MacFadyen will show her large collograph printed silk landscapes along with an exhibit of photographs of the old farm and an audio diary. Shep Abbott’s film More precious than Gold, a historical documentary on the early settlers of Cape Ann, will play continuously throughout the day. Outside,there will be a small Farmers Market with goods and produce for sale from local farms including the Alprilla Farm in Essex, and the Riverdale Youth Garden in Gloucester.