Tea Party Ship Museum Opens Tonight From Kathy Chapman

Getting ready for the big public opening tonight 6-8pm. Blogging on event with fireworks, etc. tomorrow.

Hard to believe it was just a couple of months ago that she was launched from East Gloucester Marine Railways where Leon Poindexter did most of the building of her-



Photos © Kathy Chapman 2012



This morning the Tea Party Ship Eleanor was towed to Boston Photo Kathy Chapman


This morning the Tea Party Ship Eleanor was towed to Boston.

Photographs © Kathy Chapman 2012 http://www.kathychapman.com

The Eleanor

The original Eleanor was one of several vessels owned by leading Boston merchant, smuggler, and Boston Board of Selectman, John Rowe. His holdings included stores, warehouses and Rowe’s Wharf, a current Boston landmark. Rowe was an active smuggler and inciter in the years preceding the American Revolution. He was influential in protesting British authority, specifically Britain’s tightening restrictions on colonial trade.