The DJ Rant

I’ve kept this one bottled up for far too long.

Much like The How To #U@& UP A Lobster Roll Rant, The Broads Out In California Lobster Roll Rant, The Note To Restaurant Owners Rant, The Follow Up To The Note To Restaurant Owners Rant, The Bluetooth Headset Rant , The Soggy French Fry Rant, The Pensive Pose Rant, these are more like Public Service Announcements.  I’m just trying to make the world a better place.

This one goes out to the DJ’s of the world.


It is time to retire Celebrate, We Are Family and YMCA from your music library.

I will go so far to say that if the DJ you hire plays any of these songs you should fire him on the spot and take over the wheels of steel, iPod, or whatever else is driving the music.-YOU CAN DO A MUCH BETTER JOB!

We went to a benefit a couple of months ago and this DJ who was much younger than me started doing his thing.  I swear he didn’t play a single song from this decade or last decade.  We’re talking straight 80’s.  From start to finish.   Not a single person danced to a single song except the party organizers who were obviously embarrassed by the DJ selection.

There was hope when I saw this particular DJ was 30ish.  Nope- he may have been the worst DJ of ALL TIME.

I like lots of classics, I really do, but really there is a music catalog beyond those same old tired tracks that you hear at every wedding or fundraiser since 1982.


My advice either these old DJ’s either better get current or the young kids running their equipment from iPad’s are gonna eat your lunch.


and any of you that tell me that the new music all sucks, you just haven’t listened, there are some great new artists out there.

I want to give these older DJ’s a chance to update their libraries but honestly in the past three years I’ve probably been to 20 events where there was a DJ and you know what the trend is?

The trend is that the high school kids who are buying equipment are doing a bazillion times better job than the older DJ’s around that rehash the same old playlists from the 80’s.

Get with it or step aside and let the youngsters take over.

My Boy Matty K from the Farm Bar and Grille is IMO the greatest DJ around these parts.  Sista Felicia had a youngster spinning at BJ and Amanda’s Graduation party last night and he killed it.


Come To Gallery Five Tonight On Madfish Wharf To Party Like You Mean It

Ben Macadam and Jeffery Cluett Will be hosting an art show for the ages(and by ages I mean anyone cool and hip enough to appreciate young fresh art)
Jeff will be manning the wheels of steel and there will be adult beverages as well as some fantastic grub.

imageI’ll be there and have been looking forward to it all week long.
If you haven’t met Ben and Jeffrey yet let me introduce you-

Click the Map for Directions to the Hippest joint in G Town Tonight-

click below for directions


DJ Extraodinaire Rory Will Be Spinning On The Wheels Of Steel

Rory is an Irishman who spent his youth spinning tunes in Dublin.   He is a complete maniac with  incredible musical sensibilities.  Rory will be manning the wheels of steel for the Autumn Block Party and he promises a free wonderfull music experience in front of The Dress Code.  Make sure to make your way up to that end of town the night of October 11th to get your groove on.

Tomorrow at 8:00AM my interview with Rory will be available right here at GMG.