David Brooks Is Back From Costa Rica

Hi Everyone,

As most of you know I’m back from my trip to Costa Rica, I can’t tell you how lucky I feel to have been able to be a part of this trip. What an eye opener! We helped to renovate the elementary school and worked on fixing up and building two basketball courts. It was amazing at the appreciation we were shown by the young kids of the town. They were always smiling and wanting to help us with the projects. I’ll admit we pulled a Huck Fin a few times and made it look a lot more fun than it was… It was great to see you people taking care of their own facilities. I was amazed at the group of volunteers I worked side by side with. Weather they were on their spring break from college or taking a vacation form their Corporate America life they all had such an amazing heart to share with the community in Puerto Viejo. I was excited to work side be side with each and every one of them. Although it wasn’t till after the group had left that I truly realized how big and impact our projects had. I witnessed larger groups of kids elementary-high school anxious to play some basket ball on their new court. I also found out that the school was pulling double duty and teaching kids from 9-1 and they again from 1-5 every day the school was too small to hold all the kids wanting to learn all at once. I was given a tour by one of the 10 year old by named Tyler who first showed me where every relative in the town worked including his father who was a bus driver, then he gave me a tour of his neighborhood. The level of poverty was indescribable. He told me about how he is considered to be part of one of the wealthier families because his family all have jobs. He spoke english very well as his aunt who he lives with is from Colorado. I let him use my camera and he took some amazing pictures. You should have seen his face light up whenever he took a picture. He kept running up to me to show me every picture he took. It was amazing to have been able to share a few moments with him in my short time in Puerto Viejo.

The last day I was there I was at the bus station buying my ticket mid morning and a woman who I thought was standing in line kept looking at me, in addition to being pregnant she had two small children one in her arms and the other by her side. She looked as if she had been standing there all morning. I asked if she was in line. She said no, fumbled on her words a bit and in broken english said “a few coin to feed them” I saw her get teary eyed and as she tried holding back tears she spoke. I felt my heart turn inside out and immediately pulled out the left over Collones I had in my wallet despite budgeting out the rest of my trip so I didn’t have to exchange my money again. she kept on crying and through her sobs I heard a nearly inaudible thank you. I saw her walk with her children in her arms straight to nearest store as if there was not time to waste. This was so moving to me. It made me realize how lucky we are to have friends who we can turn to when we are in need. People who care for us, a community that cares for us. I want to thank all of you for being a part of this trip and I feel that through your support I was able to be a part of helping the people of Puerto Viejo. I hope you will enjoy the photos from my time there. And again thank you for supporting me as well as the projects that we were able to complete in Puerto Viejo. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=376978&id=774844011&l=b497a46216

God Bless, David Brooks

Here is the video we shot just before David Left explaining the journey he was about to embark on.

Leftover Clips From The Three Stooge’s Challenge

After I left to get back down the dock FOB Frank Ciolino took extra footage at Tucker’s Farm Family Diner Of The Three Stooge’s Challengers

Cliff Rideout- Stands Alone As The Only Competitor To Ever Take Down The Three Stooge Challenge

Cliff Rideout- the only man, woman or child to finish the Three Stooge Challenge.  For his outstanding achievement in competitive eating Cliff gets his name emblazoned on a plaque and the $8.50 meal was on the house.

The one thing I noticed about Cliff was that when he was in eating mode he zoned out everything around him and he went into an almost zen like eating mode.  It was like a machine- fork to mouth- fork to mouth- fork to mouth.  Steady stroke and even pace brought him the title.

Congrats champ!