Don’t Forget To Say Hi To The Tuckers Farm Family Diner Folks At Topsfield Fair

Photo From Donna Ardizzoni

Our own Tucker's Farm Topsfield Fair

Wonder If They Are Serving Up Three Stooge Challenges-

These Clips Are From The GMG Man vs Food Three Stooge Challenge

Part III

Ten Minutes In

Cliff Rideout- A Mean (not so lean) Eating Machine Part IV Video

Good Times.  Look for the next GMG Man vs Food Challenge Soon

Leftover Clips From The Three Stooge’s Challenge

After I left to get back down the dock FOB Frank Ciolino took extra footage at Tucker’s Farm Family Diner Of The Three Stooge’s Challengers

Cliff Rideout- Stands Alone As The Only Competitor To Ever Take Down The Three Stooge Challenge

Cliff Rideout- the only man, woman or child to finish the Three Stooge Challenge.  For his outstanding achievement in competitive eating Cliff gets his name emblazoned on a plaque and the $8.50 meal was on the house.

The one thing I noticed about Cliff was that when he was in eating mode he zoned out everything around him and he went into an almost zen like eating mode.  It was like a machine- fork to mouth- fork to mouth- fork to mouth.  Steady stroke and even pace brought him the title.

Congrats champ!

Three Stooge Challenge At Tucker’s Farm Family Diner

Contestants Mike Williamson, Danny Williamson, Cliff Rideout and Ed Collard

Three Stooge Challenge At Tucker’s Farm Family Diner

We had six competitors- Ed Collard, Theodore Fanion, Donny Jacobs,Cliff Rideout, Danny Williamson and Mike Williamson.  The goal was to get all of the food listed in the sign below down in an hour.

Do you think it was possible?

Cliff Rideout Competes In The Three Stooges Challenge
Cliff Rideout Compete's In The Three Stooges Challenge