Trinity Sunday – D.E.S. Crowning


The Portuguese Community celebrates Trinity Sunday with the 700 year old traditionial crowning ceremony.

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This year’s “Emporator” was Elja Bagaco, her daughter Delia Morrissey represented her in the procession to the church.

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_2018_05_27_104613  Elja Bagaco seen here being crowned by Father “Jim”

The Trinity Sunday mass was given by Father ‘Jim” Achadinha at Our Lady of Good Voyage.




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After mass the Traditional meal of “Sopas” took place at the D.E.S. Portuguese Club.


_2018_05_27_104659 State Senator Bruce Tarr and Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken enjoyed the traditions along with hundreds of people at the D.E.S. club. (Divino Espirito Santo)





Portuguese Celebrate The Crowning Tradition

Father James Achadinha and Mr. and Mrs. Antonino Pereira invite all of Gloucester to celebrate at a Mass at Our Lady of Good Voyage on Sunday June 15th at 10:00 AM.

This week is full of Prayer, Mass and Rosary at the D.E.S. Portuguese Club on Prospect Street.

The history of the crowning dates to the 14th century, when Queen Isabella of Portugal instituted the annual practice of crowning one of her subjects as imperator, or king, for a day. Gloucester has been celebrating this tradition since 1902.

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