Alicia Unleashed- Closet Case

Alicia Unleashed Episode 65
Recorded with B-Side, Paul Catania, “Silent” MR. E and Hostess Alicia Cox


Hot Plate
*Hannah Kimberley’s book reading “A Woman’s Place is on Top” August 3rd @ Sawyer Free Library.

*Period Partners Drive August 12 at Stop & Shop 9am-1pm (See information below)***

*Shout out to Danny Diamond (Episode 61) with his AMAZING work at Cape Ann Brewery

* Patriots get 2 Planes, 1st in NFL to have their own planes. Wilfork signs a 1 day contract to retire as a Patriot.

*We missed in Episode 64 the passing of Chester Bennington.

*Yoga and Men, why is that not a thing, it should be. Shout out to Chelsea Porper.

Business Shoutouts: Gloucester Boxing Club, Cape Ann Power Yoga, Noel & Kevin from Boxx109 in Newton.

We’re talking with Paul C about Gloucester’s “Closet Case”. The origins of the monthly party @ Cape Ann Cinema. GURL at Short & Main, dance party and small shows. Paul talks about the vibes for creating and inspired by performances. Mission Statement: Entertain, Intrigue and Inspire. End of the Summer Party “Sex on the Beach” August 26th.

Paul also addresses his new sobriety and his mindfulness since drinking.
Insta: @closetcaseparty
Black Sheep Stampede on August 19th @Katrina’s. Find ‘Road to Babylon’ on Spotify.

***Period Partners will provide clients of The Open Door with a year’s supply of tampons and pads. To kick off its fund-raising efforts, the group will hold a product drive at Stop & Shop, 6 Thatcher Rd. in Gloucester, on Saturday, August 12, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Can’t make it to the drive? You can make a tax-deductible donation at – write “for Period Partners” in the note field. Or email for more info.