Closely Related

closely related Juni VanDyke exhibition.jpg


CLOSELYRELATED group show curated by Juni VanDyke for Flatrocks Gallery opens May 25, 2018. The opening Reception is Saturday May 26. Participating artists: Kathleen Gerdon ARcher, Shelly Champion, Loren Doucette, Paige Farrell, Jay McLachlan, Barbara Moody, Hans Pundt, Lynne Sausele, Patti Sullivan, Juni VanDyke

from the press release:  CLOSELY RELATED…an exhibit that attempts to identify and examine artistic elements that appear congruently in works by artists related by friendship or marriage, or by filial kinship, or by the duality of artist and place or…other.  (many possibilities)

Is our art influenced by our environment; our politics; the company we keep, and/or by our generic connections?  And is what we create truly unique? Or was Picasso right when he said: “Every painting already has a mother and a father.”?