Brianmoc Video To Get All You Striper Fishermen Horny

There are some big fish around as Brian shows in this video from May 22-

Brian writes-

42 inch 25+ pound fish Catch & Release Striped bass top water Fishing MA Crane Beach Ipswich Essex 5/22/11 not the first fish of the year but the biggest year. Started my spring fishing with some nice striped bass riding the outgoing tide. This big striper Came up and gulped the jumping minnow down on the first cast. What made this fun was I the rod. I used a 3/8oz – 1oz Temple fork salmon pole 8’6″ or TFO rod. This was not as fat as your avg late season fish but at 25p it was fun fight on light tackle and even bent the vmc hooks. What you are experiencing is a very good tool that if handled right a competent can land very large fish and make fishing for smaller fish that more fun!