F/V Misty Blue coverage shares Perfect Storm experience and New Bedford Tribute memorial

Boston Herald Perfect Storm family experience and advice alongside coverage about the 2 missing men Michael Roberts, 44, and Jonathan Saraiva, 32, both of New Bedford, and 2 crew rescued from the sinking of the F/V Misty Blue. South Coast Today  and the Boston Globe


Boston Herald ©Nancy Lane photograph of the New Bedford FISHERMENS TRIBUTE MONUMENT. The monument is by New Bedford artist, Erik Durant, dedicated in 2016, people have started to leave flowers in tribute this week

Boston Herald photograph with Brian Dowling story fishermens tribute monument ©NANCY LANE 120617fishnl01.jpg

Joseph Prezioso action photos for the Boston Herald | Captain Harold Burnham, Schooner Ardelle, Stage Fort Park spectators

ed. note: Another try. I am re-posting as I had some technical difficulties uploading content and scheduling remotely from Boston yesterday. 

On assignment “Gloucester Glows for Parade of Sail”: photographer Joseph Prezioso captivating coverage of the 2017 Gloucester Schooner Festival heralded a full color spread in the Boston Herald newspaper yesterday. Prezioso anchored his point of view from the Schooner Ardelle, embedded in the Parade of Sails action.



These photos are crisp and clear in the digital publication and there are more photographs of Captain Harold Burnham, the crew, Schooner Ardelle, Schooner American Eagle, Schooner Fame, Schooner Thomas E Lannon, and Stage Fort Park spectators.


You can be on James Montgomery’s new CD

James Montgomery in Boston Herald interview

Tomorrow (5/21), you can be in the audience when the James Montgomery Band records a new live CD right down the road at Beverly’s Larcom Theatre.

This concert (and the CD) will also raise money for James Montgomery’s foundation V is for Veterans, which focuses on helping disabled veterans.  James donated most of the tickets to veterans organizations and the VA hospital, but you can still buy tickets here.

James will be joined by David Hull (from Aerosmith & The Joe Perry Project) on bass, Cliff Goodwin (from the Joe Cocker Band) on guitar and Jeff Thompson on drums.  Young, rising country stars Whitney Doucet (who sang with Keith Urban) and Lexi James open.

Be sure to scream and shout and clap loud enough to be heard on the CD, so when it comes out you can get one and play it for your friends — fast forwarding through the songs and waiting for the applause, of course.

Here’s a video of James the last time he was at The Larcom.  Notice the crowd in the middle of the song … this could be YOU!

Click here to read an excellent Boston Herald interview with James — especially the part where he talks about B.B. King!

Update on Cosmos

My deepest thanks to everyone who has written with their kind concern for Cosmos. He’s not doing so great today, but he is one tough little kitty. And to everyone who read the story in the Herald and called with well-wishes–thank you–I guess the Herald reads GMG, too. Link to Herald Death-cheating Kitty Survives Second Attack

The Boston Herald Gives Good Morning Gloucester Some Love

Shell-shocked! 3-pincered freak amazes lobsterman

By Laurel J. Sweet
Monday, July 19, 2010 –

Coming to a picnic table near you: Claws – the lobster that can squeeze its own lemon juice.

Capt. Joey Ciaramitaro has seen all manner of life on the docks of Gloucester, but he had to pinch himself Saturday when a triple-pincered freak of nature was delivered to Captain Joe & Sons wholesale lobster company.

“We’ve had blue lobsters before, half-albino lobsters before. It’s the first triple-pincer I’ve ever seen,” said Ciaramitaro, who videotaped the 2 -pound lobster flexing its all-you-can-eat noncomformity for his blog, GoodMorningGloucester.wordpress.com … which is now hosting a crustacean oddity show.

For the rest of the story click here to go directly to the story with a pic on the Herald website

Laurel got 90% of the story right.  So many reporters no matter how many times I try to stress it want to either call me a Captain or a lobsterman.  I guess it makes for a better story if it sounds like it is coming from the lobsterman rather than the shlep on the dock.


WBZ Radio just called for a radio interview.  First question after I had just told the producer that I was a lobster dealer and not a lobsterman was “So where were you fishing when you pulled up this crustacean in your pots?”


Time has come for Mr. Fox

From the Boston Herald

By Barry Thompson
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A music scene as diverse and fertile as Boston’s inevitably produces some eccentric entities.

Even with this town’s abundance of weird rock bands, What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?, headlining T.T. the Bear’s Place on Wednesday, is a conspicuous creature. Between the group’s theatricality and its affinity for classic r & b and soul, you might not even notice the strangest thing of all – no electric guitars.

The band got rolling back in 2004, when Mr. Fox’s multi-instrumentalist ringleader Brian King and musical compatriot, violinist Nathan Cohen, had a residency at a restaurant in Gloucester. Of all people, Whoopi Goldberg was bartending at the time.Their fluid membership has made it possible to appear as a stage-engrossing dark circus or a low-key coffeehouse act. Despite the gothic presentation, their sonic aura is smooth, melancholy alt-pop that owes much to Annie Lennox and Aretha Franklin, and absolutely nothing to Marilyn Manson…..To read more, ckick here .

What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?, with Molly Zenobia & the Machine and Jaggery, at T.T. the Bear’s Place, Cambridge, Wednesday. Tickets: $7; 617-492-2327.

John J. Ronan Writes About The Media Betrayal Of Gloucester

My buddy Janice forwarded this to me-

In Gloucester, poetic license or media lies?

Media’s coverage fishy in Gloucester

By John J. Ronan |   Sunday, July 13, 2008  |  http://www.bostonherald.com |  Op-Ed

Winslow Homer’s Gloucester is dynamic, hardworking and beautiful. In “Shipbuilding: Gloucester Harbor” and “Sailing Out of Gloucester,” he captured heritage and beauty at once. “Gloucester Houses” and “Prospect Street,” under the hammer of Edward Hopper’s light, portray a strong, stable Gloucester. In 2008, the city is still dynamic, hardworking, stable – and beautiful.

For those who know this, and love Gloucester because of it, the coverage of teen pregnancies here dismays. Not the factual coverage. It is tragic that so many girls, for the bleakest reasons, chose to become pregnant. The city is saddened by this and working to stop what has to be termed an epidemic.

The message is not the problem. Embarrassment is not a problem, either; no one I know is afraid of confronting a flawed civic self in the mirror. It’s the lie that’s a problem.

Read the rest here