Highlights from Inauguration Ceremony 2014

_DSF6788Mayor Carolyn Kirk and Senator Ed Markey

The Mayor’s, School Committee’s, and City Councilor’s inauguration and oath of office ceremonies were held at Kyrouz Auditorium at City Hall on Wednesday, January 1, 2014.  A warm welcome was given by Senator Tarr, followed by the pledge of allegiance, led by Baylee Kirk, the national anthem sung by Gordon Baird, and speech given by Art Haven founder David Brooks. Mayor Kirk gave a very inspiring inaugural address, highlighting her past term’s accomplishments and goals for the coming term. The Cape Ann Symphony String Quartet provided lovely background music for the event and Allison Doody gave an outstanding performance of Katy Perry’s Roar.

Sefatia Thekan and New City Council Member Paul Lundberg

David Brooks

State Representative Ann Margaret Ferrante and Vito Calamo

Senator Bruce Tarr and Baylee Kirk

Mayor Kirk Taking the Oath of Office

School Committee Members Taking the Oath of Office

City Council Vice President Sefatia Thekan, President Paul McGeary, and Councilor Steven LeBlanc

Gloucester High School Student Allison Doody singing RoarGloucester High School Student Allison Doody singing Roar

Melissa Cox’s special inauguration socks