Hank and Eddy are in Residence — pat morss

We’re pleased to announce that Hank Heron (The Great Blue) and Eddy Egret (The Great White) are back in fall residence next to our house.

Hank Heron spends his days on various branches of the same tree.
Much of the time napping. He’s not missing half of his right leg (enlarge photo).
Some days he brings a friend with him, who leaves early.
“Why are you staring at me? I’m dealing with an uncomfortable fall molt.”
He does his best to get his remaining feathers in order before heading out to hunt.
He’s a bit awkward, taking off daily around 5:00 pm, before sunset.
Out for dinner, like every evening.
Meanwhile, Eddy Egret is dancing around the rocks at low tide looking for snacks.
He’s a seasoned and efficient fisherman.
Seemingly coming up, at will, with fish that blend in with the seaweed. (enlarge)
There’s nothing like a good shake, wet dog style, after lunch.
“Now I feel much better.”
“Tell me honestly – what do you think about my feathers, compared with Hank’s?”
Time to move on with the tide coming in.
The ‘Concorde’ gains speed and altitude. “See you tomorrow.”

Tall Ship Lynx Follow Up

I heard this from Mike Farwell in response to my recent post about Tall Ship Lynx hauled out at the Marine Railways on Rocky Neck:

I just saw your post of the Lynx on GMG. Ironically, I was down in Nantucket a few weeks ago and snapped a photo of it out on the water. My boat is right across the way in Smith Cove, will definitely have to head down and check it out.

I have attached the photo I shot of the Lynx in action.

Photo from and by Mike Farwell. Thank you Mike!

Sculptures from Horseshoes

These pieces of art are amazing.  Mr. Kris Francis is an incredible artist.  You can contact Kris through Instagram:  JKFmetal.  Love the fact he uses all used metal and recycles and upcycles to these terrific pieces of art.

Fun fact, Kris is teaching his daughter, Summer, the art of metal.  She has made the pumpkins made from horseshoes.


🚨Hometown Hockey Exchange 🚨

Hey Joey!

Hockey season is here!!  It’s the best time of year.

Have you heard about Hometown Hockey Exchange? 

The “GOAL” of Hometown Hockey Exchange is to provide FREE used hockey equipment to local families on Cape Ann.

We are passionate about hockey and want to remove the obstacle of expensive gear and traveling over the bridge to find what you need.

Follow us on Facebook at this link and see what we have available. We also accept used gear in good condition to pass on to people who need it.

Let’s get more people on the ice! 

Kristin Michel
Jon Churchill

Photography by Adrian Hewitt featured at Cape Ann Coffees

Hewitt Photography will be displayed in Cape Ann Coffees for sale or enjoy while having a cup of coffee and a delicious pastry. Link http://capeanncoffees.com/

All photographs are mounted on hand made frames by artist.

Contact information abhewitt7@gmail.com

Cape Ann Coffees located at: 86 Bass Avenue Gloucester Mass

GloucesterCast 687 Livestream 10/1/23 Link to Join Here-www.facebook.com/goodmorninggloucester

GloucesterCast 687 Livestream 10/1/23

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Tarot Reading Event Shared By Cat Cavallini

Cat Cavalinni shares the following information regarding an event at Hammond Castle:

Annette Dion, local Gloucester professional tarot card reader, will be teaching tarot at the Hammond Castle again this month! This two hour tarot class will take place from 7-9 pm (with a Q&A session after) on Wednesday, October 11th.  You have the option to attend in person at the historic Hammond Castle or you can link to a livestream (session recording included).  
If you’ve had an interest in reading the tarot, join Annette for this fun and informative class!
Sign up for registration tickets https://www.psychicannettedion.com  or go straight to  https://www.hammondcastle.org/
You don’t want to miss it!

Cat adds that 50% of proceeds will go to Hammond Castle restoration.