Life Goes On — pat morss

Here’s an assortment of wildlife doing its thing.

There are lots of Cedar Waxwings this year.
And no shortage of Bunnies.
Our House Finch couple has eggs in its 2nd nest in the hanging Geranium.
The Turkey poults (chicks) by the driveway are cute at this young age.
But we still freak out Mom.
Deer are playing tag in the Audubon Sanctuary.
A Snowy Egret looks for fish in the Audubon marsh grass.
Canada Geese are rearing their young, across the road inside the breakwater.
Starlings discuss whether living on the ocean is all it’s cracked up to be.
There’s always one inquisitive duckling at Mallard nap time.
A Black-crowned Night Heron launches across Niles Pond with landing gear up.
Overhead the smaller birds (here, a Crow) are harassing the larger (Red-tailed Hawk).

Common eiders with downy ducklings…

molting, preening, feeding, rafting and resting in coves off Gloucester and Rockport.

Common eiders cluster in the coves during breeding season. They can’t fly when they’re molting and raft off loudly and orderly when disturbed by small boats, people on shore, and gulls. When adults scaled the rocks, the elements were handy. Waves tossed the ducklings atop a veritable shag carpet of seaweed which looks especially thick this season.

photos: Common Eider breeding season 2023 in Gloucester and Rockport coves off Long Beach. Distant snapshots through binoculars.

Breeding season for barn swallows and tree swallows, too–incubating now. Tree swallow photo bomb in one of the video snippets below. (Adult swallows take breaks from incubating to eat. Common eider females incubate solo and do not eat until after hatching.)

Fathers Day at the Castle Sunday Jun 18! Breakfast for Dad from 8am-11am OR come later in the day for the BBQ Buffet at the Castle from 11am-4pm!

Fathers Day at the Castle Sunday Jun 18! Breakfast for Dad from 8am-11am OR come later in the day for the BBQ Buffet at the Castle from 11am-4pm! Buffet menu highlights include Slow Roasted BBQ Brisket and Maple BBQ Steak Tips, all prepared from Chef Dan Lavalla! Call 978-515-7386 to make your reservation

GloucesterCast 661 livestream 6/11/23 Link to Join



GloucesterCast 661 livestream 6/11/23

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International Dory Elimination Races Held Yesterday

The International Dory Elimination Races were held off the Maritime Gloucester dock at Harbor Loop yesterday, June 10 2023. It was my first time at this event but it will not be my last! Four races were held to determine participation in the July 8 event. Congratulations to all the participants and good luck to Junior Rowers AJ Lewis and Kadin Lewis; Women Rowers Ashley Smith and Rachel Cecilio; Over 50 Rowers Erik Dembrowski and Joe Sanfilippo; and Open Rowers Sam Taormina and Peter Taormina (boy I hope I got the names right! Please correct as needed) . Here’s a photo dump for your viewing pleasure. Special thanks and shout out to Sara Gray who helped inform and explain the races to this newbie.