One Hour at a Time Gang

Hi kids:

Hope all is well. As I was driving Magnolia near the Railroad bridge noticed some trash.

When: Saturday, June 10, 2023
Where: Magnolia Avenue near the Railroad Bridge
Time: 09: 00 – 10:00

I have yellow bags and please bring gloves.

Thank you and take care


Dinner And The Theatre

Gloucester Stage invited Good Morning Gloucester to view their production of Noel Coward’s Private Lives and I was happy to attend and represent. The show runs until June 25 and more information can be found here. It’s about a 2 hour production filled with serio-comic reflections on couple-hood and takes place in France featuring two British couples. If you go, be prepared to recognize some common points of contention between spouses as well as to take yourself back several decades in time. There are a couple of jarring incidents (at least to today’s sensibilities) but they are tucked in amongst fine acting and choreography. Without giving too much away, let me congratulate the “Fighting and Intimacy Director” on some very fine work! I’ll be returning to the theater to usher one of the future performances and hope to see you there.

After the show, we went to the Azorean on Washington St. for dinner. Jim had the scallop casserole and I had my favorite Bife a Toureiro which is especially satisfying on a chilly damp evening like we’ve been having. Always a favorite stop! What’s better than a wonderful dinner following a matinee?