GloucesterCast 221 With Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/28/17


GloucesterCast 221 With Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/28/17


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Topics Include:
The Container Store
Bikini Speedo Dodgeball is coming up- April 8th! there’s a couple of teams that joined forces- I think theres space for two teams- contact Frankie Gwynne, this year’s organizer.  For all the details check out the 2017 Bikini Speedo Dodgeball Facebook Page Here
Caleb brought his kids down to pick up the Blue Performer– Happy to bring people into charcoal grilling.
Police/Fire: 7 owners fined for pet poop on beach Gloucester Times Article
Question For Viewers -Who Do You Go To For Auto Body Work
The Studio and Rudder and Topside Grill All Looking for Help
Pesticide Board in Ma only consists of 3 people- woefully underfunded.

4 thoughts on “GloucesterCast 221 With Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/28/17

  1. This was one of the hardest podcast for me to listen to! Joey and Family very sorry for the loss of your dad! You are correct it is all about family, foundation, friends and community! Celebration of life and his legacy is correct! Dave & Kim


  2. I’ve missed you! Glad you are back. My condolences for the loss of your dad. I am so glad you shared what your Mom said about your father. It’s important to remember those type of moments. Your Mom feeling like a Princess. I loved it.
    I certainly can relate to your comments about all the great restaurants in Gloucester/Rockport! When I visit, I have my favorite places to go, and then new places open up, and I barely have enough meals to get to them! Such good eating!
    Get that meat off the grill and enjoy!


  3. Joey – so sorry for your loss. Lost Mom to that disease last fall. Scenario was pretty much the same except I’m 800 miles away and was kept updated by phone. In one of her lucid moments a while back she said she wished she had never had kids because she did not want any of us to go through what she was ( there were 10 of us and we’re not even Catholic). Appreciate your spirit and attitude.


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