Can Someone Explain To Me in This Day and Age Why My Cell Phone Doesn’t Have Service In the Heart Of Main Street Gloucester


WE live in a vibrant active community full of creatives, businesspeople, fishermen, ect, ect, ect.

In my mind THERE’S NO EXCUSE to not have uninterrupted cell service all the way through Main St.

I have Sprint and there was a time when I rarely lost a call but it seems in the past couple months it’s gotten worse.

I believe they are taking comments on what you would like to see happen for downtown.

if you’re like me and think that in the year 2013 we might want to look at getting this shit corrected write in-

City officials will pull common themes from residents’ likes and grievances tonight, then engage in a discussion about those themes and solutions at another meeting Aug. 20, and develop the downtown’s plan for implementing improvements and stepping into the future at a Sept. 17 meeting.

For the life of me I don’t know why they don’t hide a cell service repeater up inside the City Hall Tower like I suggested years ago-

Attention Local Politicians- Here’s A No Brainer

Posted on September 29, 2009 by Joey C

Charge the Cell phone companies rent for the space and provide decent cell service in your most critical area of business –Down-Freakin-Town!

23 thoughts on “Can Someone Explain To Me in This Day and Age Why My Cell Phone Doesn’t Have Service In the Heart Of Main Street Gloucester

  1. Bravo Joey! I have Verizon and since moving here in 2009, I am amazed that there is NO CELL SERVICE in the heart of downtown. It is rediculous! How can we lure businesses to Gloucester with no cell service (and crappy tap water, but that’s another problem for another time).


  2. I had Verizon when I arrived, and it was virtually unusable, so I was able to get released from my contract with no penalties. I switched to AT&T and it’s so much better, I haven’t looked back.


  3. I get zero cell service downtown and at my house in Bayview I drop calls all the time. If you go to the websites of all of the major wireless providers it will say that we should at least have “fair” coverage downtown and where I live, but you can’t prove it by me. There are 4 people in my house at any given time with 4 different providers and we all have the same problem. Only AT&T covers any part of Lanesville!


  4. Excellent point, I can’t make the meetings, but I will be sure to send an e-mail or letter on this subject. I have Verizon and it barely works anywhere downtown, especially bad for me since I live in the Fort and can barely get cell service in my house, I really don’t want to have to get landline service in the 21st century, but might not have a choice if something doesn’t improve soon.


  5. When people come into my gallery on Main Street, and have cell phone problems, I say: “You must have Verizon!” There used to be a Verizon Store at the end of Main Street, and I asked the manager why Verizon service worked in his store and not outside. They were using a signal booster.


  6. AT&T has worked fine for me on Main St. and everywhere else on Cape Ann for the past ten years or so without a hitch.


  7. Joey,
    If you have just a “cell phone” instead of one of those new-fangled “smarter than me phones”, that could explain your problem. I had Sprint service for years and suddenly couldn’t get a signal in my house. After about ten calls, I found out that they were removing repeaters from the cell towers and replacing ’em with the 4G stuff.
    Since the company I work for has some sort of deal with Verizon, Sprint lost a 12 year customer.


    1. I have one of those “smarter than me” android phones through Verizon and get zero service downtown. I was told by the Verizon rep in Beverly that Gloucester doesn’t even have 4G service, at least not via Verizon.


  8. I have noticed this too just recently and I have Sprint! The Weds. of Fiesta I was meeting some friends for dinner and when I tried to call 2 of them to find out where they were at, I couldn’t understand what they were saying…they kept cutting in and out. This happened in front of Guisseppe’s. It was so frustrating!!!


  9. I have always had AT&T and never have an issue really anywhere on the island. My best friend has Verizon and he always has issues. As for the people that have sprint good luck getting that to work anywhere. Switch to AT&T and you’ll be happier!


  10. i have verizon and my reception sucks downtown,absolutely no need for this with all of the technology verizon has today. good news is if you go on the water shuttle you’ll have three bars of reception in the middle of the harbor!


  11. My sister who works for Marriott told me that when the new hotel is built, they will lean on the phone companies to upgrade their service in the downtown area.

    Apparently, you can’t attract business clients to a hotel that doesn’t have good service.


  12. Ridiculously bad with Verizon, but I don’t want to spend 200. to break my contract. Although for the first time ever, I had service at Pavilion Beach this year, with new iPhone5. Mystery to me why no service with iPhone 4s, but yes with 5, and only at Pavilion??


  13. Virtually no service in the Lanesville area as well for AT&T & Verizon. I get better service in the middle of Ipswich Bay than I do on Washington Street!


  14. While we’re at it, why can’t we have Fios in Gloucester for internet service? It’s the fastest, most efficient & affordable service.


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