Can Someone Explain To Me in This Day and Age Why My Cell Phone Doesn’t Have Service In the Heart Of Main Street Gloucester


WE live in a vibrant active community full of creatives, businesspeople, fishermen, ect, ect, ect.

In my mind THERE’S NO EXCUSE to not have uninterrupted cell service all the way through Main St.

I have Sprint and there was a time when I rarely lost a call but it seems in the past couple months it’s gotten worse.

I believe they are taking comments on what you would like to see happen for downtown.

if you’re like me and think that in the year 2013 we might want to look at getting this shit corrected write in-

City officials will pull common themes from residents’ likes and grievances tonight, then engage in a discussion about those themes and solutions at another meeting Aug. 20, and develop the downtown’s plan for implementing improvements and stepping into the future at a Sept. 17 meeting.

For the life of me I don’t know why they don’t hide a cell service repeater up inside the City Hall Tower like I suggested years ago-

Attention Local Politicians- Here’s A No Brainer

Posted on September 29, 2009 by Joey C

Charge the Cell phone companies rent for the space and provide decent cell service in your most critical area of business –Down-Freakin-Town!