My Incredible Adventure-Dishwashing!


We had to constantly adjust our “on land” thinking. The crew kept after us to not leave our things around, pick up anything that was dropped, wipe up spills right away, and generally be aware of what needed to be done. We also had to gain our sea legs on the rock-rolly trip to the South Shore. Only one of us felt queasy and needed a little help with crackers to feel better.

Mina, the cook, made us a great taco lunch. We ate hungrily, and then it was time for dishes to be washed. Now here’s where we take “land life” for granted. Dishes! We either wash them in a sink with running water or put them into the dishwasher. This was not the way they’re done on board. After you finish eating, you carry your plate, etc. up onto the deck where you first dump whatever’s left on your plate into a bucket. Then you clean off the plate in the first pan of water. You proceed through the line until the end where you dry your dishes, bring them below, and put them away. This includes all cooking pans as well. The system works well and everyone pitches in. Builds teamwork and cooperation!

YMCA Sailing Program

After all the talk this past week of wishing children had an opportunity to get on the water for a sailing program Damon Cummings wrote to tell me that there are already many programs in place to get local youth out on the water-

Here is a link to the High School and Middle School program run by Patti Page. It is during the school year, spring and fall, of course so the YMCA summer program is using the floats and boats for the summer (except that we took a bunch of Tall Ship sailors out sailing the afternoon before last):
When you saw the City of Gloucester Youth Sailing Program Boston Whaler and a runabout leave the harbormaster’s pier this morning full of kids, they were on their way out to go sailing on the city owned Rhodes 18s and 19 and the Gloucester High school sailing team 420s. They went by us under sail a few minutes later. They go out every weekday except Friday. The program is run by the YMCA now since the city summer recreational program has been phased out. Here is a link to the program:
That is only one of the sailing and harbor related programs presently under way for kids in Gloucester. During the school year Patti Page runs a High school and Middle School program with the 420s and Rhodes. The students do not pay a cent and we take both beginners and champions. The program has a joint Gloucester and Rockport sailing team that competes against other high schools around the state. Kevin Cook is the coach and some funny old guy runs the races. Moreover the Heritage Center and the Lannon run a massive program for Gloucester students and the Gloucester Museaum school at Ram Island does as well. The International Dory Racing Committee has junior racers (some in Middle School) racing against Canada and the Heritage Center has an off and on youth program in the pilot gigs. It is my understanding that a Community Boating center is in the works and that is something we all have wanted for a long time.
Whatever you may have heard to the contrary, Gloucester offers a wealth of opportunities for youth who are not in private yacht clubs to get out on the water.
Here’s a picture of the kids leaving the Harbormaster’s float to head to the sailing program.

YMCA Sailing Program, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Thanks for the info Damon

My Incredible Adventure- The “Head”

toiletSure does take some planning ahead!! This is why I said it involves balance, dexterity, and strength! And the ability to speed read!


1. Make sure lid is down to create a vacuum.

2. Put thumb over hole on top of hole where it says “plug me”.

3. With other hand, pump handle 10 full strokes.

4. Do your business

5. Put thumb over hole on top of hole where it says “plug me”.

6. With other hand, pump handle 20 full strokes.

7.Take thumb off the hole.

8. With other hand, pump handle 10 full strokes.

Make sure nothing goes into the toilet that didn’t pass through your body.


Micah Dean Woodturning Lures

part two of the Micah Dean woodturning video will be up at 8AM

Micah demonstrates the steps taken to make a simple block of wood into a beautiful lure or wood bowl.

click this text for Micah’s website

Micah Dean Woodturning Lures, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Micah Dean Hand Turned Mackerel Plugs
Micah Dean Hand Turned Mackerel Plugs
Micah Dean Woodturned lures
Micah Dean Woodturned lures
Micah Dean Woodturned Bowls
Micah Dean Woodturned Bowls
Micah Dean Woodturned Bowls
Micah Dean Woodturned Bowls
Micah Dean Woodturned Bowls
Micah Dean Woodturned Bowls