Word Scramble

Unscramble the Gloucester words below:

1. dkycrdo________________

2. knweiepirl________________

3. wnhci________________

4. eswnvdrooa________________

5. aelcrkma________________

6. lcasoslp________________

7. slhosa________________

8. ndalis________________

9. godtwon________________

10. esorhfof________________

4 thoughts on “Word Scramble

  1. 1. drydock
    2. periwinkle
    3. winch
    4. Ravenswood (took me the longest)
    5. mackeral
    6. scallop
    7. shoals
    8. island
    9. dogtown
    10. offshore


  2. Here are some of my tricks. I’ll sit out the next couple of these and let someone else have the fun.

    1. Start with a scrambled word and pick out a set of letters which make a word and then see if the remaining letters can be added to make a longer word. For # 8 “ndalis”, I quickly saw the word “land” which left “is”. For #9 “godtwon”, it became “god” and “town”.

    2. Certain letters are used together frequently in English. Put them together and again, see what is left. For #3 “wnhci”, the letters “nch” is a common combination, leaving “wi”. For both #7 & #10, “sh” is a common phoneme. For #1, “ck” is common.

    3. The double L, “ll” in English often has a vowel on each side. So for #6, it would be either “olla” or “allo” leaving “scp”. Plus I was hungry at the time and a “scallop” or six would have been nice.

    4. Some letters almost always come at the end of the word. The “y” in #1 through me for awhile until I noticed that the “ck” could be used to make “dock” leaving “dry” with the “y” on the end.

    That’s enough tips for now.



  3. Thanks Hedge! Good information and a little English lesson too! You can still participate.
    I’ll just hold your comment/answers until we get some other responses. We want you to have fun as well!


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