Lobstermen Truck Series- Sandollar Tony Gross

This is the first photo in a series of Lobstermen Truck pics I’ll be doing. A whole lot can be told by the way a guy organizes the back of his pickup truck.

I chose to start out the series with Tony Gross’ truck. Tony is the skipper of the Sandollar and his entire operation is run clean as a whistle. He pulls up in his truck and has two totes with no holes which we dump his bait into so that the fish juice doesn’t run out of the boxes and into the back of his truck. You could literally eat off the bed of his truck.

Also note that the bed of his pickup is devoid of clutter. The only thing you will find back there are his scrubbed clean tools of the trade. A class act that Tony Gross is.

Frogmen On The Back Shore

Frogmen On The Back Shore, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Yesterday afternoon these crazy bastards were surfing the Back Shore. Sure seemed dangerous to me, but they must know what they are doing. They caught some decent waves.

Dont Be The Chef Who………….

Don’t be the chef who leaves the tail on the shrimp in an alfredo sauce or marinara sauce dish.

How the hell are we supposed to get the shrimp out of the shell without getting our hands all messed up?

Don’t be the chef that produces this-

Shrimp Alfredo

Or this-

Shrimp Marinara

Thank you