Christine Morton’s Whale Picture

Here is a picture from Christine Morton, a GoodMorningGloucester reader and aspiring blogger.

Here is part of an email she sent-
“I don’t know where to begin, I came across your website while I was writing a book about my experience in the 2007 Schooner Festival. I signed up and absolutely love what you do. Every morning I can’t wait to see what’s there. My fiancee and I fell in love with Gloucester and come there to visit as often as we can. We are from XXXXXX, New York, a similar town like Gloucester. Fishing and all sorts familiar thing like Gloucester. I hope some day we will have a home there.”

Thanks for sharing Christine. It’s emails and comments like this that make the blog worth doing!

Woodman’s Lobster Cooker Top View

Here it is, the newly reconstructed lobster cooker at Woodman’s. i must say that the masons that did the brick work did a great job. It’s very uniformly built.