Poor Peter Cottontail

Poor Peter Cottontail, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Poor Peter Cottontail. Run down in his prime in front of Richdale’s in East Gloucester.

That’s gotta suck.

You do all that work passing out candy and presents to kids and then when it’s time to chill out and kick back til next year BAM! out of nowhere some prick runs your ass over.

4:50AM 3/26/08 While most of the City Sleeps

4:50AM 3/26/08 While most of the City Sleeps, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Strangely, outside of the minute I get home and The Bean comes running to give me kisses and hugs, the early morning drive to work is one of my favorite times of the day.

There is rarely anyone out driving and I feel like I own the streets.  Take my drive around the waterfront to see if there is any activity on the docks.  It’s nothing like it used to be even 10 years ago when the places like ours used to be jumping at 4:00AM trying to get boats unloaded so we could get the fish to Boston to make the day’s market.  Now the docks are mostly dark.  A majority of the fish that gets landed does so during the day at the Auction so there isn’t that pumping of sounds and sights like it used to be.

That’s all fine, I enjoy the peacefulness of it all, having the place mostly to myself for the brief ride in to work.


George’s Kale Soup with Amadama Bread

Billy Scrobacz, skipper of the Fishing Vessel Toots, Pete Mondello and I returned to George’s Coffee Shop for some lunch fare.

It was just as good as the first time, and ridiculously cheap.

We’ll be back.

Oh, and by the way that’s Billy’s big banza in the picture, not mine. HA!

Updated Cape Ann Gas Prices

I updated the Cape Ann Gas Prices Website this morning. Updated were 6 stations, if others pass by Willow Rest, Tally’s on Essex Ave,or Fosters on Eastern Ave, jot down the prices if you would and update the site. It’s useful and informative especially when there are wide swings in the prices from station to station.

The last time I updated prices was 2 weeks ago and pretty much all the stations stayed at the same prices since then except one went down by 2 pennies and another by 10 cents.

The two Richdale’s self serve stations continue to be the cheapest gas around but only by two cents of a centrally located gas station which is full serve. For some people 2 cents a gallon might be enough incentive to get out and pump your own gas but for only 40 cents savings on a twenty gallon fill up in the cold weather we’ve been having I’ll take the full serve.

Check out the site and update it if you get a chance- Cape Ann Gas Prices Website