Gloucester Gas Prices

The Cape Ann Gas Price Website Is No Longer.  I found a new one from that has a limited amount of participating gas stations with current Gloucester Gas Prices

So the link in the blogroll to the right has this link for your reference once this post heads down off the page over time.

Gloucester Gas Prices

I jotted down some of the gas prices at local stations this morning 2/19/09 at 5:00AM

Here you go-

US Petroleum 2.099,2.199,2.299

Tally’s Washington Sq 1.999,2.159,2.299

Flanagan Square Service Station 1.959,2.099,2.159

Hess Self Serve 1.979,2.079,2.099

East Gloucester Richdale 1.999, 2.099,2.199

Interesting that the cheapest gas in town is also full serve at Flanagan Square.  Why anyone would pump their own gas and pay more to do it is beyond me.

If any of our readers drive through other parts of town and would like to update the gas station prices, feel free to do so in the comments under this post.

Local Gas Prices 4:45AM 4/17/08

I updated some local gas prices this morning on the site.
Check here and add the prices if you are inclined for the stations that I missed.
Here is the site –
The recently reopened Pump and Pantry on the corner of Prospect and Washington has the cheapest prices across the board for the eight stations I updated.  If my memory serves me right this station touched off the mini gas price war in town when it came under new management a couple years ago, and then went to being the highest priced gas around town.  Gas right around the corner at the full serve US Petroleum is 20 cents higher if you pay with a credit card, 10 cents higher if you pay cash.  I posted the credit card price because I figure a majority of people pay with debit or credit cards.  Twenty cents per gallon is a big swing.
You can check the updated prices here

Updated Cape Ann Gas Prices

I updated the Cape Ann Gas Prices Website this morning. Updated were 6 stations, if others pass by Willow Rest, Tally’s on Essex Ave,or Fosters on Eastern Ave, jot down the prices if you would and update the site. It’s useful and informative especially when there are wide swings in the prices from station to station.

The last time I updated prices was 2 weeks ago and pretty much all the stations stayed at the same prices since then except one went down by 2 pennies and another by 10 cents.

The two Richdale’s self serve stations continue to be the cheapest gas around but only by two cents of a centrally located gas station which is full serve. For some people 2 cents a gallon might be enough incentive to get out and pump your own gas but for only 40 cents savings on a twenty gallon fill up in the cold weather we’ve been having I’ll take the full serve.

Check out the site and update it if you get a chance- Cape Ann Gas Prices Website

Local Gas Prices 4:45AM 3/16/08

I updated some local gas prices this morning on the site.
Check here and add the prices if you are inclined for the stations that I missed.
Here is the site –

I was shocked to see a whopping 22 cent difference in gas price between the US Petroleum on Washington Street and Flanagan Square’s price. The Tally’s by St Peter’s Park was 17 cents cheaper per gallon than the US Petroleum.

5 or even 10 cents wouldn’t be enough of a difference to make a comment about, but 22 cents? On a 15 gallon fill up that is $3.30 on a 20 gallon fill up thats $4.40 and they are .4 miles apart from each other according to Google Maps.

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