Gloucester art and breakfast | Zeke’s Place



On the walls at Zeke’s place, summer 2017:


Nancy Alimansky from Newton and Phyllis Paster from Wellesley are showing drawings in the main room. Both watercolor artists have painted Cape Ann scenes, many from Gloucester and Rockport.


Nancy Alimansky #1


Phyllis Paster #2

David Kielier resides and works in Gloucester.



The first business to respond to the Mayor’s arts hotline was Zeke’s Place.


Uhmmm, Y’all better get down to Zeke’s For breakfast before Word Gets Out and You Can’t get In

This ain’t your grandfather’s Zeke’s.

Check them out here-

66 E Main St

Gloucester, Massachusetts

(978) 283-7817

The new owners have stepped up the breakfast game in every way imaginable including like a thousand different fresh baked types of bread all made in-house.

How frickin psyched am I that I’ve got a scratch kitchen breakfast joint a stone’s throw from the dock?  WOOOOHOOOOOO!

Every single thing that came out looked ridiculously good and over the top.

Add another awesome breakfast joint to Gloucester’s stacked line-up.  I gotta tell you I put Zeke’s in the top tier and rate it MUST VISIT.  Like I’d say it’s so good that YOU HAVE TO make it your next breakfast dining out experience.  No joke I put 100% of my dining experience critique reputation on the line saying you gotta go.  let me know what you think.

Check it-

2015-08-29 09.44.18

Paleo Breakfast For Kate with homemade salsa

2015-08-29 10.10.46

Fish Cake Bene- Out of This World (what you don’t see pictures was the outrageously good sweet bread)

2015-08-29 10.13.13

Mike and his wife sister.

2015-08-29 10.26.58

Outside a nice touch- brochures for local attractions and benches for folks to check out.

2015-08-29 10.30.12
