Lindsay Crouse, Peter Krasinski soar | Peter Pan silent film screening at Cape Ann Cinema

Another unforgettable Cape Ann Cinema & UU Gloucester Meetinghouse collaboration was held on Sunday, December 3, 2017–a special screening of the silent film adaptation of J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan as a benefit for Pathways for Children. Ellen Sibley was there for Pathways, welcoming guests and opening the evening.

ELLEN SIBLEY intro -Peter Krasinski with Lindsay Crouse accompanying silent film Peter Pan at Gloucester Cinema & Stage, a Gloucester Meetinghouse benefit Pathways for Children 20171203

Peter Krasinski with Lindsay Crouse accompanying silent film Peter Pan at Gloucester Cinema & Stage, a Gloucester Meetinghouse benefit Pathways for Children 20171203_155949
photo caption: Sound check (Peter Krasinski and Lindsay Crouse readying their accompanying live performances for silent film Peter Pan screening at Gloucester Cinema & Stage, a Gloucester Meetinghouse benefit for Pathways for Children)

Renowned organist Peter Krasinski explained that star Lindsay Crouse would use her artistry to accompany this silent screening like a Benshi, a Japanese word for performers who provided live narration for silent films in order to translate the intertitles. Though Krasinski has collaborated with benshi in Japan for some of his live performances, yesterday’s event was the first time he’s done so in the United States. I went to film school and was fortunate to take master classes in cinema studies with Bill Everson, a film historian and major collector. He’d invite Lillian Gish and other silent screen stars and producers to lecture, and always there were amazing accompanists. Not once though have I experienced a narration, too. I’ve heard Krasinski play before and seen Crouse act in film, tv and Gloucester Stage. I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew it would be like nothing else I’d ever experienced.  Krasinski has seen Peter Pan numerous times and his confident music was subtle and charming, cueing the music to the action on the screen and improvising along with Crouse. Crouse’s narration was pitch perfect. Crouse spoke of her affection for the story and related seeing it 17 times as a child (yes, with Mary Martin) and how it’s among the defining and formative theatrical pulls of her youth.Who knew Nana’s whimpering and such subtle variations of so many characters crying throughout Peter Pan was possible? I googled Lindsay Crouse audiobooks right when I got home. Lindsay Crouse audiobooks

What amazing effort and art for a good cause.

Upcoming Gloucester Meetinghouse / Cape Ann Cinema collaboration Continue reading “Lindsay Crouse, Peter Krasinski soar | Peter Pan silent film screening at Cape Ann Cinema”

Could Disney help the Good Harbor Beach Piping Plovers?

The new animated short film shown prior to Finding Dory is stunning. It features a baby bird beckoned by her mother from the dunes to the edge of the waves. The animated baby bird masters its first venture beyond the nest. Some things have to be seen on the big screen.

Positive news:

On a recent morning, very early, Patti Amaral swept her arms joyfully imploring me to look– an entirely litter free Good Harbor Beach parking lot after a weekend and before DPW had arrived. She exclaimed what a positive change has transpired over the past 10 years and how many people help.



She still sees some litter in this vista, but it’s camouflaged. She hopes to see the removal of the last vestiges of raked and buried trash from years’ back. I doctored a photo to help. It’s to the right of the back green gate.





