Watch as Fashion & Art Come Together

The sculpture-in-progress in the doorway of the gallery

Corina Belle-Isle, the creative force behind Rockport’s July 28th event Barefoot at Rockport: A day long celebration of fashion as art, has put together a whole roster of terrific events: pop-up shops featuring the work of different designers, a fashion show, an art exhibit and arguably best of all: a party to close the day that highlights summer fun in Rockport, with great food from Alchemy Bistro and cocktails created by Matt Rose.

And if having a great time wasn’t motivation enough to buy tickets, know that your purchase helps support Rockport’s two foundational arts institutions, Rockport Art Association and Rockport Music.

There is an aspect of Barefoot at Rockport that is really the symbol of the entire event, bringing art and fashion together in one unique installation. It’s called The Dress Project and is a collaborative work by artists Eugene Quinn and Virginia Fitzgerald, The Dress Project features a dress sculpted by Virginia using some of Eugene’s older canvases as a sort of fabric on the skirt. Eugene will then create a new painting on the bodice of the dress, creating — as described by Virginia — a sort of Phoenix effect: a new painting emerging from his older work. One exciting and interactive aspect of this project is that you can actually watch the dress (or “Claire” as the sculpture has come to be called…) take shape, so to speak, under Eugene’s brush and Virginia’s hands. Stop by Eugene’s gallery at 54 Bearskin Neck to see it in progress and then mark your calendar to see the final work revealed on July 28th itself. It will be shown at the Rockport Art Association from 2 to 4 pm before being auctioned off, with proceeds to benefit the RAA.

Eugene Quinn and Virginia Fitzgerald discussing The Dress Project.

Look for more details about Barefoot at Rockport in the days leading up to July 28th. For tickets and more information call the Shalin Liu Box Office at 978-546-7391 or click on this link to go to Rockport Music’s website.